Twelfth Night - 14 - Act 3, Scene 4

Twelfth Night - 14 - Act 3, Scene 4

Shakespeare's most sophisticated comedy is a riotous tale of hopelessly unrequited passions and mistaken identity. 
Duke Orsino is in love with the noblewoman Olivia. She, however, has fallen for his servant Cesario, who is actually Viola, a woman disguised as a man, who loves Orsino: confusion is rife. Meanwhile, Olivia's arrogant steward Malvolio is cruelly tricked by her uncle Sir Toby Belch, his friend Sir Andrew Aguecheek, and the maidservant Maria into believing his mistress loves him.
[Full-Cast Audio Theater Dramatization. Niamh Cusack is Viola, Jonathan Firth is Orsino, Amanda Root plays Olivia, Dinsdale Landen plays Sir Toby Belch, and Julian Glover is Malvolio.]
