Hello, this is helen palmer and I'm calling you from the united states .
I just heard about Monitor’s new online teaching and I'm enthusiastic about that.
Uh, we've been accounting for over 20 years and my school which is very prominent in the united states as a doctors has endorsed her as an associate a teacher because of the excellence of her work.
我和蔡老师共事了 20 多年,我知 道她教九型人格教得非常好。所以,我们邀请了蔡老师作为九型人格全球学会在中国的唯一 合作伙伴,这个机构在美国也是非常有名的九型人格研究机构。
So to those in China who would like to deepen their understanding of themselves. First of all , yourself to also understand more deeply the family members and her colleagues at work to understand the human race, the human condition at a deeper level
无论你在中国哪个城市,只要你想了解自己多一点, 了解身边的亲人多一点,了解你工作上的同事多一点,
and also to become more effective because of that new found understanding the monitor can help you to attain the deepening of effectiveness in the workplace,
令到你在工作上更加有效率。 都应该跟蔡老师学习九型人格。
you get along better with people, you know who they are, where they're coming from, what their needs are.
It's a very good tool in the office or the workplace that you have. So good luck to you in your underground city. Wherever you are in China.
这也是你在职场打拼的一个很好的工具。无论你住在中国的哪个地区,祝福你们在学习九型 人格的路上一路好运
蔡敏莉 回复 @宣妈课堂: 听课再加上多交流,一定会的。记得添加喜马小助手,进入群内互动交流