19.1【精讲课】第4章 土耳其软糖(5)

19.1【精讲课】第4章 土耳其软糖(5)



第4章 土耳其软糖(5)

  If your sister has met one of the Fauns, she may have heard strange stories about me --- nasty(糟糕的) stories that might make her afraid to come to me. Fauns will say anything, you know, and now ---"  

  "Please, please," said Edmund suddenly, "please couldn't I have just one piece of Turkish(土耳其的) Delight(使人高兴的事/东西) to eat on the way home?"  

  "No, no," said the Queen with a laugh, "you must wait till next time." While she spoke, she signalled(发信号;示意) to the dwarf to drive on, but as the sledge swept away out of sight(在看不见的地方), the Queen waved(挥手) to Edmund, calling out(大声地叫), "Next time! Next time! Don't forget. Come soon."  

  Edmund was still staring after the sledge when he heard someone calling his own name, and looking round he saw Lucy coming towards him from another part of the wood.  

  "Oh, Edmund!" she cried. "So you've got in too! Isn't it wonderful, and now---"   

  "All right," said Edmund, "I see you were right and it is a magic wardrobe after all(毕竟、终究 ). I'll say I'm sorry if you like(用于提议,表示“好吗”;勉强地同意) But where on earth (表示强调的用法) have you been all this time? I've been looking for you everywhere."  

  "If I'd known you had got in I'd have waited for you," said Lucy, who was too happy and excited to notice how snappishly(没好气地) Edmund spoke or how flushed(涨红了的) and strange his face was. "I've been having lunch with dear Mr Tumnus, the Faun, and he's very well and the White Witch has done nothing to him for letting me go, so he thinks she can't have found out and perhaps everything is going to be all right after all."  

  "The White Witch?" said Edmund; "who's she?"  

  "She is a perfectly(完全地;完美地) terrible person," said Lucy. "She calls herself the Queen of Narnia though she has no right to be queen at all, and all the Fauns(半羊人) and Dryads(树精) and Naiads(林中仙女) and Dwarfs(侏儒) and Animals - at least all the good ones - simply hate her. And she can turn people into(把……变成……) stone and do all kinds of horrible(极坏的) things. And she has made a magic so that(因此、所以) it is always winter in Narnia - always winter, but it never gets to Christmas. And she drives about on a sledge, drawn by reindeer(驯鹿), with her wand in her hand and a crown on her head."  

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