清华上空的波音747 回复 @Pennygo: 没有错
我是GihhftftryfvffuytfuytuyfytftiytfyutfuyfyufyftuytfytfuuyfytiyutffuytfuytfhturdohobhuGyigUgythnjibbhu Xu Jl is is going the on next Saturday weekend to celebrate work on will Sunday probably morning work if so it no problem longer it or just don't have like that that too way so and was I'm thinkin呀
我是GihhftftryfvffuytfuytuyfytftiytfyutfuyfyufyftuytfytfuuyfytiyutffuytfuytfhturdohobhuGyigUgythnjibbhu Xu Jl my my phone brother died was and the died guy was died just and not they the last day day to of day been to hectic work with week schedule two work months to before work and and ge呀