清华上空的波音747 回复 @听友139314863: 你重新说一句干嘛呢??????????
我是GihhftftryfvffuytfuytuyfytftiytfyutfuyfyufyftuytfytfuuyfytiyutffuytfuytfhturdohobhuGyigUgythnjibbhu Xu Jl I'm sorry that we had it last weekend in my life with you too many of my heart has come down here but you can't go through that day but we don't need any other things for him and his friend 呀❕
我是GihhftftryfvffuytfuytuyfytftiytfyutfuyfyufyftuytfytfuuyfytiyutffuytfuytfhturdohobhuGyigUgythnjibbhu Xu Jl my phone has crashed in this phone call me and it was good to hear from you and your family is going well and we will have the best to get together and have you and the girls together for din呀
我是GihhftftryfvffuytfuytuyfytftiytfyutfuyfyufyftuytfytfuuyfytiyutffuytfuytfhturdohobhuGyigUgythnjibbhu Xu Jl