China Jedi Talk: E8 – Travel China Cheaper ()

China Jedi Talk: E8 – Travel China Cheaper ()


In this episode China Jedi TALK to Josh Summers, an avid travel writer who's been a China expat for over 10 years living and working in China's far flung province of Xinjiang.

He's the creator of the popular website and author of a top selling travel guide book titled Everything you need to know before you travel to China. They discuss his life in China's wild west and the challenges and opportunities that came with it , the growth of his website and new book and much, much more!

For those living, working or travelling in China or interested in learning about Chinese culture, expat life and foreigners perceptions. Live, work, travel, do business and have fun in China. May the smile be with you!

To connect with Josh check out his websites, and

