旅伴14 文本已添加

旅伴14 文本已添加



Thetown was perfectly still when the clocks struck a quarter to twelve. Presentlythe window opened, and the princess, who had large black wings to hershoulders, and a long white mantle, flew away over the city towards a highmountain.


Thefellow-traveller, who had made himself invisible, so that she could notpossibly see him, flew after her through the air, and whipped the princess withhis rod, so that the blood came whenever he struck her.


Ah,it was a strange flight through the air! The wind caught her mantle, so that itspread out on all sides, like the large sail of a ship, and the moon shonethrough it.


"Howit hails, to be sure!" said the princess, at each blow she received fromthe rod; and it served her right to be whipped.


Atlast she reached the side of the mountain, and knocked. The mountain openedwith a noise like the roll of thunder, and the princess went in. The travellerfollowed her; no one could see him, as he had made himself invisible. They wentthrough a long, wide passage.


Athousand gleaming spiders ran here and there on the walls, causing them toglitter as if they were illuminated with fire.


Theynext entered a large hall built of silver and gold. Large red and blue flowersshone on the walls, looking like sunflowers in size, but no one could dare topluck them, for the stems were hideous poisonous snakes, and the flowers wereflames of fire, darting out of their jaws.


 Shining glow-worms covered the ceiling, andsky-blue bats flapped their transparent wings. Altogether the place had a frightfulappearance.


Inthe middle of the floor stood a throne supported by four skeleton horses, whoseharness had been made by fiery-red spiders. The throne itself was made ofmilk-white glass, and the cushions were little black mice, each biting theother's tail.


Overit hung a canopy of rose-colored spider's webs, spotted with the prettiestlittle green flies, which sparkled like precious stones.


Onthe throne sat an old magician with a crown on his ugly head, and a sceptre inhis hand. He kissed the princess on the forehead, seated her by his side on thesplendid throne, and then the music commenced.


