5月16日英语:美公布新登月计划代号,首位女宇航员将登月NASA names new mission

5月16日英语:美公布新登月计划代号,首位女宇航员将登月NASA names new mission


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NASA names new mission


NASA's mission to put people back on the moon now has a name: Artemis. That's not a random choice: In Greek mythology, the goddess Artemis is the twin sister of Apollo, after whom the original moon landing missions were named. 

NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine tweeted that the Artemis mission would be the first time a woman walks on the moon. The Trump administration asked Congress on Monday to increase NASA spending next year by an extra $1.6 billion as a "down payment" to accommodate the accelerated goal of returning Americans to the surface of the moon by 2024.

Mid-50s best age to lead

Aging isn't only a downhill journey. While some of our mental faculties almost always decline over time, other cognitive abilities can stay the same, or even improve, scientists have discovered. The overall balance of these losses and gains means that for most people, the ideal time to tackle leadership roles is in their mid-50s, according to Darlene Howard, a psychologist at Georgetown University. 

Seven of the CEOs in the top 10 of Fortune's list of the 10 biggest companies from 2018 fall between the ages of 50 to 60 years old. Notably, the mid-50s aren't necessarily the peak of other aspects of life. 

Previous work has shown that at this age in the US, people tend to report they are the least happy, and depression rates are highest. People appear to be the happiest and least depressed after the age of 70, when they have likely exited the workforce.

City bans facial recognition

San Francisco legislators on Tuesday approved a ban on police and other public agencies using facial recognition technology, making it the first city in the US with such a restriction. The emerging technology will not be allowed to be used by local agencies, such as the city's transport authority, or law enforcement. 

Additionally, any plans to buy any kind of new surveillance technology must now be approved by city administrators. There will be a second vote on the bill, though it is largely considered a formality. Other cities may follow suit after San Francisco's ban on facial recognition technology goes into place. 

Netherlands limits tourists

Dutch tourism bosses will try to limit the number of foreign visitors as the land of tulips and windmills complains of overcrowding. Arguing that "more is not always better", the Netherlands will stop promoting tourism and switch its strategy to "destination management". 

Calling for "quality tourists" who "add value and don't cause a nuisance", the tourist board has urged a policy of "develop and discourage" to stop attracting undesirable groups. 

Among the measures under consideration is a tourist tax similar to that in some destinations in Spain and Italy. Local authorities are also urged to consider closing certain attractions which are popular with undesirable tourists.

  • 小丽_oi

  • 1860215xggr

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    1871135mcmw 回复 @1860215xggr: thank you

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