Lesson 99 Renting a House or Apartment

Lesson 99 Renting a House or Apartment


1) Hello, I'm calling about the apartment you have for rent. 你好。我打电话来是想问一下你们出租的公寓。                                            

2) I would like to make an appointment to see your rental property.  我想预约看你出租的房子。               

3) Does the rent include utilities?  租金是否包括水费电费和煤气费部分?                                       

4) Typically how much will electricity and water cost per month?  通常每月的水电费是多少?                   

5) The management requires the rent to be paid before the 5th of the month .   管理部门要求在每个月的5日之前支付房租。               

6) There is a deposit of the first month's rent, which is refundable when you move out, providing there are no damages to the house.   第一个月你要付租金和押金,如果你搬出,可以退还押金,前提是房屋没有被损坏。                         

7) May I see a copy of the rental agreement, please? 我可以看一下租赁协议的副本吗?                                        

8) What is your policy on pets?  你们对宠物有哪些规定? 

9) Is there covered parking available for may car?    有停车棚可以供我停车吗?    

10) Who is responsible for the maintenance of the yard for this house?  谁负责维护这栋房子的院子?      

11) What is the earliest date that we can move in? 我们可以入住的最早日期是什么时候?                            

12) Let's call the moving company and get it arranged!  让我们打电话给搬家公司安排一下搬家!            

13)  I think this new apartment will cut down my commuting time a lot! 


14) Please sign the contract here and date it请在合同上签名和写上日期。            

15) Welcome to the neighborhood!  欢迎来我们社区!

