15_每天一篇英语阅读|Weather in seasons

15_每天一篇英语阅读|Weather in seasons


Weather in seasons 四季的天气

There are four seasons in a year. 一年有四个季节。
The weather in different season is different. 不同的季节有不同的天气。
In spring, it is rainy and warm. 在春天,天气是多雨的和温暖的。
Sometimes it is wet.有时候天气非常潮湿。
There is always some wind in the air. 空气中总有些风。
In summer, it is often hot and sunny. 在夏天,天气经常很热且阳光明媚。
Sometimes it is rains and there are some clouds in the sky. 有时候天气会下雨并且空气中有一些云。
There are also some typhoons in summer. 在夏天也会有一些台风。

In autumn, it is dry and cool. 在秋天,天气干燥且凉爽。
Sometimes it is also cloudy and windy in autumn. 秋天有时多云和起风。
It is cold and snowy in winter. 冬天是寒冷且多雪的。
Sometimes there are some snows in winter. 冬天有时会下一些雪。
We can know weather on the radio and TV every day. 我们每天可以通过收音机和电视知道天气。
