Lesson 8.5: 问路 Find the way

Lesson 8.5: 问路 Find the way


Lesson 8.5: 问路 Find the way

Is this the right way to Hilton Hotel? 这个是去希尔顿酒店的正确方向吗?

Should I go this way or that way? 我应该走这边还是那边?

Does this bus go to Green Lake? 这个公交车到绿湖吗?

Can I travel from here to the Star Hotel by this bus? 我可以从这里坐公交车到星星酒店吗?

It’s going as far as the railway station. 这和到火车站是一样的距离。

I’m going to the National Palace Museum. Which bus should I take? 我要去国家博物馆。我是要搭哪一班巴士呢?

Take a number 37 or 49 bus.搭37或是49路。

Walk with me. I’m heading in the direction where you’ll be catching the bus you want. 跟我一起走。我也是要过去那个你要赶的公车方向。

Is there a public restroom near here? 这附近有公共厕所吗?

  • toothlovingrabbit
