27 Unit 6 Listen to this

27 Unit 6 Listen to this


《新英语交谈》以精心设计的自然、地道的开篇对话作为精听材料;以题材广泛、贴近生活的小对话,进行综合听力练习;收录了日常生活的各种常见话题,如问候、介绍、问路、预约、点菜、留言、看病、预订等。整个教程共分上、下2册,每册各有12个单元,每个单元分2课,每课录音内容包括conversation(对话)、listen to this(听一听)和 person to person(配对交谈)。

  • 文静_lr

    学都英语 回复 @文静_lr: Almost perfect. 有一处应该是Is 7:00 all right? 而不是It's

  • 叁叁的故事

    Okay, I know a fantastic Mexican restaurant. I don't really like Mexican food, can we go a Chinese restaurants Instead?the taste of Hong Kong is really close to the ~ .I've been there before, I like it. Then why don't we meet at the restaurant? I'll see you there around 7:30. I'll try not to be late

  • 叁叁的故事


  • 森林少女Sylvia小叶子

    It seems the girl is not his cup of tea

    学都英语 回复 @森林少女Sylvia小叶子: Lol...