Job-huntingUnit 5

Job-huntingUnit 5

  • YelenaZHANG

    language skills

  • 13807546evd

    How was your English ability? Not bad. I am proficient in both written and spoken English. Could you tell me about your English education? I started studying English I junior and senior high school and in college I have taken English conversation lessons. They were given by fallen structures.

    Solexbaby 回复 @13807546evd: they were given by foreign instructors.

  • 13807546evd

    Can you speak English? Yes, I speak it well. Can you read and write English well. I spark the language better than read and write. When did you begin to learn English? I started to learn English when I was in primary school. Do you speak English well ... the communicate with English speak people?

  • 13807546evd

    As the standard to detect language abilities of the applicants, the enterprises pay great attention on the certificates. if you get any certificate, you can display it to the interviewer as evidence.

  • 听友253703178


  • 13807546evd

    Have you passed college English band 4 or band 6? Band 6. Great. Can you file in English? I am afraid I can not. But I will be glad to learn.

  • 六脉神剑_ds

    they have gaven by ? and structures.这句没有听懂啊?

    青出于蓝_vq 回复 @六脉神剑_ds: 4 instructors

  • Hugo心路

    As a standard to detect the language ability of the applicant, the enterprise pay much attention to the certificates.

  • Hugo心路


  • Nathan_Rich
