SurvivalEnglish与Academic English的应用结合
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Type of job required: Part-time
Student is studying ________
Student is in the ________ year of the course
Are you aregistered student?
Yes…I am. I’m doing a degree in BusinessStudies.
Whichyear are you in?
Well…I’ve been at university for fouryears but I’m in the third year because I took last year off.
【例2】Your Studies
Whatsubject(s) are you studying?
Why didyou choose to study that subject? /
Why didyou choose to study those subjects?
【例3】Transport from Airport to Milton
Carhire - don’t want to drive
______ - expensive
Greyhoundbus - $15 single, $ 27.50 return, directto the ______, long _______
AirportShuttle - _______ service, every 2hours, $35 single, $65 return, need to _______
Well, Idon’t really wantto drive myself, so I’d like more information about public transport. OK. In that case thequickest and most comfortable is a cab and of course there are plentyavailable. But it’ll cost you. You can also take a Greyhound bus or there’s an Airport Shuttle Service toMilton.
I thinkfor that kind of distance a cab would be way beyond my budget. But the bussounds OK.
Well,what about the shuttle you mentioned? OK. That’s the Airport Shuttle that willtake you from the airport right to your hotel or private address. It’s a door to door service and itwould suit you much better, because there’s one every two hours.
Public transport/bus
How did you come here today?
Do you like to take public transport?
Have you ever traveled by bus or by taxi?
Do you prefer taking bus or taxi?
Do you often travel by bus or taxi?
What are the advantages of taking a taxicompared with buses?
The Mangroves
Frog Pond
Outdoor classroom
The Water bird Refuge
Bird watching
TheMangroves have been made more accessible to visitors by the boardwalk builtduring the park’s upgrade. You’d think that people would come here to look at the unusual plant life ofthe area, but in fact it’s more often used for cycling and is very popular with the local clubs.
Studentswant to keep the self-access Centre because
They enjoy the variety of equipment
They like being able to work on their own
It is an important part of their studies
Themajority of students say that they enjoy using it because it provides avariation on the classroom routine and they see it as a pretty major componentof their course, but we would like to see some improvements to the equipment, particularlythe computers;there aren’t enough for one each at the moment and we always have to share.