


Daily Life ‐ Getting A Nanny (C0272) 
Grace: Hey Mel! Are you up for some tennis today?
Mel: Sorry, I can’t! I have to go to work, pick up Jake and
Maddie from school, and make them an afternoon snack,
then take Jake to soccer practice and Maddie to dance
Grace: You sound exhausted. Maybe you should hire a
nanny to help you out! She can pick the kids up and take
them to their after-school activities. She can also help you
do some household chores, and run some errands.
Mel: Oh, I don’t know... it’s hard to find the right
nanny .You have to consider her previous work experience,
the responsibilities you give her, and how she interacts
with the kids. I would love to have someone to help me out,
Grace: I think you should definitely consider it! This way
you won’t have to juggle such a busy schedule, and you’ll
still get to spend time with the kids in the evenings. I can
refer you this great nanny Amy. She used to work for my
neighbors, before they  moved away. She’s very
responsible, a good cook, and great with kids.
Mel: Oh, that’s great. Thanks Grace. Can you give me her
number? I’ll talk it over with Dan and give her a call
tomorrow. Maybe this way I won’t be so tired every day,
and Dan and I might even get to go on a date once in a
while .

