


Daily Life ‐ Dinnerware (C0248) 
A: Honey can you set the table?
B: Um, sure. What are we having for dinner? Do I need to
put out anything in particular?
A: Well, make sure to put out the pepper and salt shakers. I
don’t know if your brother is coming tonight so set an
extra place mat just in case.
B: Ok, should I use the fancy silverware?
A: Yeah go ahead, forks, spoons and knives. I roasted
some meat so be sure to put out some steak knives as well.
B: I’ll also set some cups and saucers for some coffee after
A: Honey? Have you seen our soup bowls?
B: They are in the cupboard where you keep the gravy
boat and serving dishes. Just be careful because the wine
glasses are also there.
A: Oops!

  • 丢了100的孩子

    Set the table摆餐桌; Set an extra place mat 多放一副餐具垫; Just in case以防万一; Silverware银器; Steak knife牛排刀; Cupboard碗柜; Saucer小碟; Soup bowl汤碗; Pepper shaker胡椒瓶; Salt shaker盐瓶;

  • 暴走男

    总觉得很早之前也有这段 也是准备晚餐有人来 弄得一团糟

  • 听友224218736


  • 听友224218736

    gravy boat船形卤肉盘 酱油壶

  • 听友224218736

    serving dishes大盘子