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EnglishPod (适合中高级英语学习者,初级学习者 ESL pod 由于版权问题移步公众号领取)

Englishpod是一家公司叫做Praxis Language推出的收费讲座,相比较ESLPod, EnglishPod为常速。Englishpod极具趣味性,两位主持人Marco和Amira的讲解很生动幽默(我太爱男主的声音和笑声了,好可爱),完全有别于新概念类型听力的乏味。同时,Englishpod分了不同的难度级别,基础较差可以先选择B级和C级。

B-Elementary 初级 
C-Intermediate 中级 
D-Upper Intermediate 中高级 
E-Advance 高级 

  • 明珠Cece


  • uniquespirit

    Merry Christmas, hosts!

  • 甘志浩

    i think it's also because every mall or shopping center you go to, they're playing the song

    甘志浩 回复 @甘志浩: so they just kinda get stuck in your head

  • 甘志浩

    it's kind of catchy????

    甘志浩 回复 @甘志浩: though

  • 甘志浩

    5:00 I've got some keys here actually ???? jingling and so we've got like this

    甘志浩 回复 @甘志浩: chimes jingle

  • 甘志浩

    okay, so now we know who's dashing through the snow- it's a horse, and you're in the sleigh

    甘志浩 回复 @甘志浩: it means there's no roof

  • 甘志浩

    i guess in this case, because it's christmas, these animals like reindeer and rabbits have little bells on them, that ... and ... according to the next line - making spirits bright - right, so you're making poeple happy

    甘志浩 回复 @甘志浩: spirit is your attitude or your soul

  • 甘志浩

    apostrophe = apo(离开)+ strophe(拐弯)→避开→省略→省略符号、撇号。 词源解析:strophe←希腊语strephein(拐弯) 背景知识:撇号(’)在英语中表示省略若干字母,如isn’t = is not,we’ll = we will。’s表示所有关系,其实也是一种简略表示。

    甘志浩 回复 @甘志浩: but sometimes you only want one(syllable)

  • 甘志浩

    3:51 that means the tail stick ????

    甘志浩 回复 @甘志浩: sticks up

  • 13060837uqt
