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EnglishPod (适合中高级英语学习者,初级学习者 ESL pod 由于版权问题移步公众号领取):
Englishpod是一家公司叫做Praxis Language推出的收费讲座,相比较ESLPod, EnglishPod为常速。Englishpod极具趣味性,两位主持人Marco和Amira的讲解很生动幽默(我太爱男主的声音和笑声了,好可爱),完全有别于新概念类型听力的乏味。同时,Englishpod分了不同的难度级别,基础较差可以先选择B级和C级。
B-Elementary 初级
C-Intermediate 中级
D-Upper Intermediate 中高级
E-Advance 高级
Freak out: lose one's nerve; Get cold feet 胆怯,临阵脱逃; Settle down (结婚后)定居下来; You're sweating like a pig你汗流浃背; Slap some sense into someone: remind someone to stay calm 提醒某人保持镇定; I can't go through with this 我无法完成这件事; Cut the crap废话少说,别BB了;
uniquespirit 回复 @uniquespirit: You had me going there for a while/minute: I really believed what you were saying 你真的骗到我了; Deep down inside内心深处; Ramble on 闲扯; It wasn't more than amonth ago that… Let's think this through; She is the woman of your dreams;
bachelor groom bride settle down mature cold feet sweating like a pig cut a crap go through with
8:13 I back?????
2:42 our marriage isn't danger????
1:57 you almost didn't get married but luckily you have a good friend to help you out
let's jump right into this dialogue
甘志浩 回复 @甘志浩: listen to what's going on
0:27 so remember? The groom is the man. The bride is the women.
公众号搜过不到啊 主播
Miss英语笔记 回复 @丁爷是个妞: Miss英语笔记