






Aladdin and the Enchanted Lamp L3

阿拉丁和神灯 L3


Aladdin looked, but he could see no gardens on the hills. ‘Where is this garden, Uncle?’ he said.



‘First we must make a fire,’ said Abanazar.



Aladdin did not understand, but he made a fire for his uncle on the ground. Then Abanazar took some powder out of a small box, and put it on the fire. He closed his eyes and said, ‘Abracadabra!’



At once, the sky went dark. Black smoke came from the fire, and the ground under the fire began to open. Then the smoke went away, and in the ground there was now a big white stone with a ring in it.



Aladdin was very afraid. He began to run away, but Abanazar took his arm and hit him on the head.



For a minute or two Aladdin could not speak or move. Then he cried, ‘Why did you do that, Uncle?’



‘You must be a man now, not a child,’ said Abanazar. ‘I am your father’s brother, and you must obey me. Don’t be afraid. In a short time you’re going to be a rich man. Now, listen carefully.’ He took Aladdin’s hand. ‘Only you can move this stone. Put your hand on the ring and say your name and your father’s name.’



Very afraid, Aladdin put his hand on the ring. It was not hot, but very cold. ‘I am Aladdin, son of Mustafa,’ he said. The stone moved easily, and now Aladdin could see stairs under the ground.



‘Go down those stairs,’ Abanazar said, ‘and then through four big rooms. In the last room there is a door into a garden, and under one of the trees there is a lamp. You can take some fruit from the trees, but first you must find the lamp. Bring the lamp to me.’



‘Please come with me, Uncle!’ Aladdin said.



‘No. Only you can do this, my boy.’ Abanazar took a gold ring off his finger and gave it to Aladdin. ‘This ring is magic and can protect you,’ he said. ‘Be careful, and bring me the lamp quickly!’




1.make a fire 生火


2.Abracadabra! 咒语;无稽之谈(=nonsense 胡扯)

例句:Three months is all you need to speak like a native speaker. Abracadabra!

           三个月让你的英语胜似母语。 胡扯!


3.with 有

拓展:a gentleman with a beard 一位长着胡子的绅士

           a man with a gun 一个拿着枪的男人

           a book with a cover 一本带封面的书


4.run away 跑开(=go away 走开)


5.in a short time 不久

例句:They are going to get married in a short time.



6.only 只有

例句:Only you can do it.



7.bring v. 拿来;带到

bring sb./sth. to sb. 把……带给……

bring sb. sth. 把……带给……

例句:Bring the man to me! 把那个人带到我这儿来!

           Can you bring me another beer? 能帮我再拿瓶啤酒吗?

           I asked the waiter to bring you the check. 我让服务员给你把账单拿来。

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