75 Can you bring some drinks

75 Can you bring some drinks

   《突破口语:流利美语速成100天》 出版社:  世界图书出版公司;此教程 将发音知识完美地融入会话中,不仅在每句英语下面标注了纯正美语音标,列详细讲解会话中出现的连续、音变和爆破现象,以方便读者真正了解英美人士在快速流利的口语交流时的发音秘决,同时彻底空破听力。
  • 1373211dmnt


  • 飞翔伟大

    There are many people, Tom, Jane, Penny, Tommy, and so on, Tom, I haven't seen him for 5 years, I must go, can you bring some drinks, what drinks like sprite, Coke, beer, and so on, no problem, I will

  • 山西奥迪A6L车友会

    Can you bring some drinks? 你能带一些饮料来吗? A: I wonder if u are free Sunday night. B: I think i'll be free. What's up? 我想我有空,有什么事吗? A: We'll have a class party, would you like to come? B: Sure.By the way who will be there? 都有谁参加这个聚会? A: There are many people.Tom,Jane,Penny,Tommy and so on.

  • 飞翔伟大

    I wonder if you are free Sunday night, I think I'll be free, what's up, we'll have a class party, would you like to come, sure, by the way, who will be there? There are many people, Tom, Jean, Penny, Tommy, and so on, Tom, I haven't seen him for 5 years, I must go, can you bring some drinks

  • 山西奥迪A6L车友会

    B: Tom! I haven't seen him for five years. I must go. A: Can you bring some drinks? B: What drinks? A: Like Sprite,Coke,beer and so on. B: No problem, i will.

  • 4qsbcp08q5l9krtk6dc6


  • Jenny_3z