Why Do We Sleep

Why Do We Sleep



Why Do We Sleep?
Dear A Moment of Science,
Why do we sleep? I know this question has been debated by scientists and philosophers for centuries, but are there any hard and fast answers?

Good question! First, it’s true that scientists have long pondered the mystery of sleep why we do it and why it’s necessary. We know that going without sleep for too long can seriously damage health, so there’s good reason to believe that getting enough sleep is important for our well-being.

But exactly how and why that’s the case is still an open question. Some research, though, may shed a little light on the problem. For instance, scientists at the University of Rochester Medical Center in New York did a study with mice, and found that during sleep their brains flush out toxins that accumulate during the day.

More specifically, the study found that sleep sort of changes the brain’s cellular structure. When the mice were asleep or anesthetized, the researchers found that there was more space between their brain cells, allowing a sort of brain plumbing apparatus called the glymphatic system to open wide and allow fluid to flow quickly through the brain.

Other studies have shown that toxic molecules build up in the space between brain cells. Researchers at the University of Rochester found that those molecules vanished faster from the brain when the mice were asleep.


So what does this mean? Well, it could give scientists new ways to study and potentially treat brain disorders like Alzheimer’s by targeting the glymphatic system and helping it better flush away brain toxins.










PS:近美国医学界发现了类淋巴系统(glymphatic system)。一些神经胶质细胞会帮助脑脊液蛋白的流动。并形成管层相绕的复杂系统。在管壁之间脑脊液的循环、输送与排放的过程中,使得大脑得以获取养分与排出废物。过去一直机制不明的脑脊液原来正是清理脑部垃圾的排水系统。此系统未来或可在帮助治疗阿兹海默症这类废弃蛋白堆积的病 症上扮演关键角色。阿兹海默症的起因通常被认为是脑部细胞受到名为贝塔淀粉(beta-amyloid)的废弃蛋白质累积而伤害所致。而未来glymphatic system这类清运系统的研究将是研究脑部疾病的重要考量机制。



