Hey, be more independent[福说英语][19-04-10]

Hey, be more independent[福说英语][19-04-10]



Today is a happy day, or sad day, or something else, u could just fill the blank with any adjectives u like, and today I want to put “independent” in it.


Hello everyone, welcome to English Panorama, this is Daisy, nice to see u! 大家好呀,我是你们的小鸡呀,欢迎来到福说英语!刚刚咱们说到了独立,那大家知不知道独立的反义词是什么,do u know what’s the opposite of this word?Maybe it is“dependent” . 独立的反义词就是依赖吧。For me, dependent means that u r always under the protection, while it could also represents that u will be more fradile (脆弱的;易碎的adj.).





Some affluent mothers and fathers now are more like snowplows:这里的snowplow就是扫雪机的意思。新闻里说到,现在一些富裕的父母更像是扫雪机,为什么这么说呢,因为他们的行为就像是机器一样,突突地向前推进,为他们的孩子通往成功的道路上清除一切可能出现的障碍, clearing any obstacles in their child’s path to success, so they don’t have to encounter failure, frustration or lost opportunities.



Yes, it’s a parent’s job to support the children, and to use their adult wisdom to prepare for the future when their children aren’t mature enough to do so.



But snowplow parents can take it too far, some experts say. 但是一些专家说,扫雪机父母可能做过头了。If children have never faced an obstacle, what happens when they get into the real world?如果孩子们从来没有遇到过障碍,当他们进入现实世界时会发生什么?


Learning to solve problems, take risks and overcome frustration are crucial life skills, many child development experts say, 许多儿童发展专家说,学会解决问题、承担风险和克服挫折是至关重要的生活技能。 If parents don’t let their children encounter failure, the children don’t acquire them.如果父母不让他们的孩子遭遇失败,孩子们将无法获得这些技能。



Just like we saw in the news above, it is vital to learn how to solve problems, shoulder the risks and overcome the setbacks.就像新闻里讲到的那样,学会解决问题,承担风险和克服挫折是非常重要的生活技能。

对小朋友来说,父母的溺爱再加上他们年纪小,主导意识比较弱,;For children, they get used to an atmosphere of dependency because of parents’ attitude toward them and the age lack of the dominant consciousness.这里出现的the dominant consciousness就是我们刚刚说到的主导意识的意思,因为主导意识比较薄弱,依赖的性格就这样一步步形成,变成他们生活中的习惯。

And the main reason to develop this character, for us, is that we are too idle to face challenges or something else.那上面咱们说到了小朋友们依赖的源头,现在说说我们自己,对于我们来说,源头不一定来自别人,而往往来自于自身,And it turned out that we were buried by ourselves.我们自己让自己滑到依赖的边缘,这里涉及的一个句型是it turned out that,我们一般用在表示某件事情的结果,在that后面补充上从句。


In our daily life, it is the hardest time when the to-do things overpower u like the mountain ,在生活当中,我们什么时候最想去依赖别人,就是当一件件的事情向你压来的时候,这时候的你是很脆弱的,平时压到心里最底层的不如意,也很大概率在这样的时候爆发。we are very likely to be overwhelmed by our very terrible moods during this period of time.

In addition, our dormitory lifestyle requires us to be more sober when we are  plunging into sorrow. U could just depend on none other than yourselves at this time.


这里说到的dormitory lifestyle指的就是集体住宿这样的生活方式,这里给大家介绍两个比较有意思的用法,第一个是plunge into,plunge这个词原来的意思是暴跌,一般用在股票暴跌、汇率暴跌这样一些金融用语里,在这里和into搭配,指的是陷入某种状态里;第二个是none other than,指的是“不是别的东西正是这个东西”,为了让大家更好地理解这个词意呢,我们把原句子改写一下,改成“U couldn’t depend on others, just depend on yourselves”,咱们可以把“none other than”作为这个连接词,把整个句子翻译成,不能依赖,只能依靠自己。


所以当你陷入困境的时候,小鸡要教你一个能在此时救你一命的方法,解构焦虑anxiety deconstruction何来解构呢?是这样的,当面前堆满一堆待做事项的时候,焦虑就会随之产生,When we have to face piles of things, it is likely to produce anxiety which causes the bad influence in our problems solving.这种焦虑其实是很没有意义的,很大程度上会影响你一件一件地解决完事情。


So we should figure out the origin of the “anxiety”. 焦虑这件事儿,也是积少成多来的,大大的焦虑来自于一个个小小的烦恼,

What we should do first is to detail this big thing也就是把一件大事情具体化他的完成步骤, and we just need to focus on one little thing at a time rather than beat up by the “fear” at the very beginning.




In a foreign language, people seem to take more psychological distance when assessing risks, 人们在运用外语时,会在风险评估中保持更大的心理距离they have a lesser emotional impact and engage in a more analytical mind process.


OK,That’s all today ,sincerely hoping I could do a hand for u.真心的希望我今天分享的东西能够帮到你。Hey, don’t be afraid, just BE INDEPENDENT!别害怕,变得独立起来吧引用一个喜欢的博主说过的话作为咱们今天节目的结尾:U will get better, maybe not today, but someday. Only indepedence could survive. See u next time, love u,bye ya~




1. Welcome To My World--Jim Reeves

2. There’s No You--Colemen Hawkins

3. Stolen Moments--Ahmad Jamal

4. Time Waits--Bud Powell

5. Limbo Jazz--Duke Ellington









  • 我们去吃面

    U will get better, maybe not today, but someday.

    Daisy小鸡 回复 @我们去吃面: Yep!

  • redstar啦

    Daisy小鸡 回复 @redstar啦: