



M: Hello English learners! Welcome back to another podcast here with us at EnglishPod!

My name is Marco.

E: And I’m Erica.

M: And today we’re going to be looking at a very useful lesson, because, well, sometimes

you need to call a plumber.

E: Okay, so, first of all, uh, why don’t we start with “vocabulary preview”, cause I think

we need to know this word plumber?

Voice: Vocabulary preview.

M: Alright, so, on vocabulary preview today we’re gonna look at two words and the first one

is the one that we’ve mentioned – plumber.

E: A plumber.

M: So, it’s a person – a plumber.

E: Yeah, and a plumber is the person who fixes, um, everything in your house that is

related to water, right?

M: Okay, so, he fixes the toilet, the sink…

E: Uhu.

M: The shower.

E: Yeah, that’s the plumber.

M: And now, the second word is obviously related to plumber and it’swater pipes.

E: Water pipes.

M: Water pipes.

E: The pipes.

M: So, the plumber fixes or looks at the water pipes as well.

E: Yeah, and those are, um, a tube that carries water in and out of your house.

M: Okay, so, water pipes. You also have different types of pipes likegas pipes.

E: Yeah, yeah.

M: Okay.

E: Okay, so, what are we learning in this lesson?

M: So, in this lesson we’re gonna be learning how to describe when you have problems with

pluming: when you have problems in your sink or in your toilet.

E: Uhu.

M: And how you can describe it and so I think we should take a look at our dialogue for the

first time and see what types of problems this woman is having with her plumbing.


E: Alright, well, it sounds like she’s having some big problems with her plumbing, but

actually I’m really interested that the plumber makes so much money.

M: That is a very interesting thing and we’re gonna talk a little bit about that later on, but I

think we should look at those kind of difficult words that we found in the dialogue now in

“language takeaway”.

Voice: Language takeaway.

E: So, we have five words here, um, all to do with a plumber andwater pipes. Now, the

first word – they talked about that there was water leaking everywhere.

M: So, you have water leaking.

E: Water leaking.

M: So, to leak.

E: When something leaks, it lets liquid come out when it shouldn’t.

M: Okay, when it shouldn’t.

E: Yeah.

M: So, maybe you have a bottle of water and it’s closed.

E: Uhu.

M: But maybe there’s the hole in the bottle.

E: So, it leaks.

M: So, it leaks.

E: Yeah. Alright, and then, so, there was water everywhere was leaking and maybe the

reason was because the toilet is clogged.

M: Okay, clogged.

E: The toilet’s clogged.

M: Clogged, now, what does it mean if the toilet is clogged?

E: If… if the toilet is clogged, there’s something that stops the water from going down.

M: Okay, so, there’s something blocking it.

E: Yeah.

M: Okay, a clogged toilet.

E: Uhu.

M: Now, the plumber said that it might be clogged and he tried to fix it with a plunger.

E: A plunger.

M: A plunger.

E: A plunger.

M: Okay, so, it’s kind of hard to describe what a plunger is, so, why don’t we listen to the

sound a plunger makes in a toilet.

The sound of a plunger.

E: Alright, so, the plunger is the tool that you use to unclog a toilet.

M: Okay, that’s what you use – a plunger. So, the plunger didn’t work and he wasn’t able to

fix the toilet and he said that there’s something in the pipes causing a blockage.

E: Alright, so, our next word – a blockage.

M: Blockage.

E: Well, a blockage is something that stops water from flowing.

M: Okay, so, something is blocking it.

E: Uhu.

M: So, you have blockage.

E: Yep.

M: Very good, and we have one more word on language takeaway and that word is faucet.

E: A faucet.

M: A faucet.

E: Alright, so, the faucet is the part of the sink that lets water come out.

M: Okay, so, you have a faucet in your sink.

E: Yeah, so, you put your hands under the faucet, so you can wash them.

M: Okay, that’s the faucet.

E: Yep.

M: Very good, so, now that we’ve learned about these different tools and these different

ways of describing problems with your plumbing, let’s listen to this dialogue another time, a

little bit slower now and then we’ll come back and take a look at some great phrases.


E: We’ve got three phrases that you can use when you need to describe, um, something not

working with the pipes, so, let’s look at them now in “fluency builder”.

Voice: Fluency builder.

M: So, the lady called the plumber and he arrived and, well, she described her house as old

and that it’s falling apart.

E: It’s falling apart.

M: This old house is falling apart.

E: So, when something is falling apart, it’s old and it’s breaking slowly.

M: Exactly, so, we can say the house is falling apart or maybe this old car is falling apart.

E: You can also use it for people: “Oh, I’m getting so old and falling apart”.

M: Very good, so, you’re getting sick or you’re…

E: Yeah.

M: Alright.

E: Yeah.

M: Very good, now, for our second word.

E: Well, the… the woman said that maybe her daughter was flushing things down the


M: Okay, so, to flush something down the toilet.

E: To flush something down the toilet.

M: So, before we explain this, let’s listen to a toilet being flushed.

The sound of a flushing toilet.

E: Okay, so, that’s the sound of flushing. And when you flush something down the toilet,

what happens?

M: So, basically, you throw something in to the toilet…

E: Uhu.

M: And then you flush it, so…

E: Okay.

M: It goes away.

E: Alright, so, flushing something down the toilet. Well, she also talked about the faucet,

um, and it wasn’t shutting off properly.

M: Shutting off.

E: To shut off.

M: Okay, shut off.

E: When you shut something off, you turn it off.

M: Okay, so, we can say “to shut something off” or “to shut offsomething”.

E: Right, so, “Hey, Marco, can you shut off the computer?”

M: Okay, of I can say “Can you shut the faucet off?”

E: Exactly.

M: Great, so, we took a look at these three phrases that we’ll help you describe again these

situations or problems that may happen in your bathroom or with liquids.

E: Uhu.

M: And, well, let’s listen to the dialogue for the last time and we’ll come back and talk a

little bit more.


E: Well, we heard in this that this plumber is making about eight hundred (800) dollars!

That’s a lot of money.

M: That’s a lot of money and actually this in many countries is not far from the truth.

E: That’s right, like, uh, for example, in Canada, um… uh, there is ashortage, there’s not

enough, um, of these people like plumbers, um, who can do this type of work, so, they can

charge a lot of money.

M: So, this type of work is called a… a… he’s not really a professional, right?

E: Right, so, he… but he is a trades person, because he works in a trade.

M: Okay, so, uh, like a plumber and electrician…

E: Yeah.

M: Uh… uh, a person that paints your house.

E: Uhu.

M: Those are all trades.

E: Yep.

M: And, well, it is true, because now many people don’t want to… learn or do these types

of… of trade, because, well, it’s not considered to be such a great job, right?

E: Yeah, but the funny thing is now if you are a plumber, um, and you… you get your first

job as a… as a, you know, young person, um, you can make so much more money than a

person with a history degree, for example.

M: Exactly, because, there is a shortage of these types of a… of… well, you can call them


E: Yeah.

M: Right, so, well, what about in your countries? Let us know how these types of trades

work. Are there many of them? Are there not many of them, be… because, well, of course,

in different countries it’s a little bit different, right? In some countries there’re too

many tradesmen.

E: So… visit us on our website englishpod.com and tell us all about that and remember if

you have any questions about the lesson, you can ask them there as well.

M: Alright, so, we’ll see you guys there and until next time…

E: Thanks for downloading and… Good bye!

M: Bye!


  • 听友224218736

    plumber water pipes leaking clogged plunger blockage faucet水龙头 falling apart flush sth down the toilet shut off/turn off

  • 北京猫咪英语

    我们这里要400 大城市要800 美国800美元不贵

    fairystar 回复 @北京猫咪英语:

  • uniquespirit

    Plumber 水管工; Sth is falling apart: sth breaks slowly; 也可以用于people的状态 Clogged:堵住了; Clog: slowly forming a block in something; Plunger:皮搋子; Blockag:堵塞; overflow; flush: 冲; Rusty:锈迹斑斑; Faucet:阀门;龙头

    uniquespirit 回复 @uniquespirit: To flush sth down the toilet 把…冲进🚽

  • 妞妞192821348


  • 妞妞192821348

    faucet ,flush,plumper,浴室,马桶,水管问题,很实用的生活的场景

  • 听友126385786


  • 1360786ljoq


  • 关耳君君

    leak, the toilet is clogged!

  • 夏离火

    Leaking in the toilet Plumbers Water pipes Plungers There’s water leaking everywhere. Your toilet is blogged. It’s not working either. Some sort of foreign object causing the blockage. Flush her stuff down the toilet Rusty Faucet isn’t shutting off properly. This old house is falling apart.

  • 听友231432419
