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M: Hello English learners! Welcome back to EnglishPod! My name isMarco.
E: And I‟m Erica.
M: And today we‟re gonna be looking at another kind of science fiction lesson related
to aliens.
E: That‟s right. Uh, and I think in this lesson we actually have an alien sighting here
at EnglishPod.
M: Right, and an alien encounter.
E: Uhu.
M: So, we‟re gonna be learning about this stars; we‟re gonna be learning about aliens and
UFOs today.
E: That‟s right. And we‟re also going to language that you can use to describe, um, negative
results, uh, things that happen that are bad.
M: That‟s right, so let‟s start by looking at “vocabulary preview”.
Voice: Vocabulary preview.
E: Okay, we have two words for you that we‟re gonna hear in the dialogue and the first one
is constellation.
M: Constellation.
E: A constellation.
M: Alright, so, we‟ve all looked up in the sky and seen shapes or figures that are formed by
the stars.
E: That‟s right. So, a constellation is a group of stars that makes a shape and has a name.
M: Right, there are a total of eighty eight known constellations, so the most popular ones I
think maybe are the Little Dipper, the Big Dipper, et cetera.
E: I never knew you‟re such a fun of, uh, astronomy, Marco.
M: A little bit.
E: Alright. What about the next one?
M: The next one is earthlings.
E: Earthlings.
M: Earthlings.
E: So, earthlings are people who live on planet Earth.
M: On Earth, exactly.
E: Yeah.
M: And in the dialogue we‟re gonna hear “greetings earthlings”.
E: This is the most typical phrase that you will hear in almost every single alien movie.
M: Exactly. So, it‟s like saying “hello people from Earth”.
E: Yes. Every single alien in the world says this phrase.
M: Hehe. So, those are two words that we‟re gonna find in this dialogue today, so why don‟t
we start and listen to what happens with our UFO experience?
E: Well, that didn‟t work out so well for the earthlings now, did it?
M: I think the aliens are a little bit belligerent themselves.
E: Uhu.
M: Alright, so, why don‟t we start by looking at some of those difficult words that we might
have found in this dialogue in “language takeaway”?
Voice: Language takeaway.
E: Okay, well, the aliens are using a lot of language to describe some of the negative results
that are happening because of the humans‟ behavior on Earth, right?
M: Right.
E: And so, one of the things they said was that “your intelligence and creativity does not
come without consequence”.
M: Consequence.
E: Without consequence.
M: Alright, so, the consequence of an action are basically the results.
E: Yes, exactly. And here the phrase without consequence suggests the negative results.
M: Alright, so, the negative results from your actions.
E: Uhu.
M: Very good. What about our next word?
E: Well, the aliens also talked about human ambition.
M: Ambition.
E: Ambition.
M: So, what is ambition exactly?
E: So, ambition is the desire or the want for… for things to be better, to improve, to get
rich, to be technologically advanced.
M: Okay, so, to want more.
E: Yep.
M: You have ambitions in your life, in your professional life…
E: Yeah.
M: In your personal life. So, basically we have ambition and we have desires and these are
the reasons for our downfall.
E: Okay, so, downfall.
M: Downfall.
E: Will be your downfall.
M: So, the downfall of something is…
E: Something that causes failure.
M: Okay, so, the loss of wealth or the loss of reputation or…
E: Uhu.
M: That… it‟s… it gets ruined.
E: Exactly.
M: The downfall. We can say like, for example, the downfall of the Roman Empire.
E: Or, you know that this guy is, um, a great employee, but his lack of ambition was his
M: Very good. Alright, coming up to our next word. The alien described that humans have a
belligerent attitude.
E: Belligerent.
M: Belligerent.
E: Belligerent.
M: Alright, this is a very nice word, so why don‟t we listen to some examples of how we can
use it in context.
Voice: Example one.
A: Don’t take that belligerent tone with me! I don’t wanna argue with you.
Voice: Example two.
B: Tomas is always so belligerent; it is impossible to talk to him.
Voice: Example three.
C: Stacey was fired for her belligerent attitude.
E: Okay, so, I can understand that it means, um, sort of aggressive… having a strong
willingness to fight.
M: Exactly. A belligerent person, a belligerent attitude.
E: Uhu.
M: A belligerent country.
E: Okay.
M: Very good. And our last word for today.
E: Anguish.
M: Anguish.
E: Anguish.
M: So, to cause great anguish.
E: To cause a lot of terrible, emotional or physical pain.
M: Okay, so, it is a synonym of pain, of…
E: Uhu.
M: Of suffering.
E: Yeah, but really intense suffering.
M: Really intense.
E: Why don‟t we give a few examples? Um, the end of his marriage caused him great
M: Or, for example, the loss of his dog caused him great anguish.
E: Okay, so, anguish.
M: Alright, so, we‟ve covered five great words on language takeaway today. Why don‟t we
move on now to “putting it together”?
Voice: Putting it together.
E: Okay, we‟re gonna look at three phrases that we heard in the dialogue and see how we
can use them in different contexts. So, the aliens, um, were praising some of the
masterpieces that the humans have created, right?
M: Right.
E: He said “you humans create such wonders as the Taj Mahal…” bla-bla-bla.
M: Okay.
E: So, lets‟ look at this phrase – such wonders as.
M: Alright, so, we have a noun here – a wonder.
E: Uhu. Uh, an amazing thing.
M: An amazing structure.
E: Yes.
M: So, he says “such wonders as”. Now, we can change this nounand replace it with
another one, right?
E: Yeah, we can, um… we can replace that noun with anything, so why don‟t we hear a few
Voice: Example one.
A: To finish this house we need such materials as cement, wood and steel.
Voice: Example two.
B: I need to write a report on this social topic such as psychology, health or marriage.
Voice: Example three.
C: Companies have found that social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter are
great marketing opportunities.
E: So, this is a really useful structure to use when you wanna give examples about… of
many different things.
M: Okay, and as the alien was criticizing the humans the guys said “what gives you the
right to come and judge us?”
E: So, interesting phrase – what gives you the right.
M: What gives you the right.
E: What gives you the right.
M: Alright, so, if I tell you what gives you the right to…
E: Uhu.
M: And then a verb.
E: Yep.
M: What am I saying there?
E: You‟re basically saying “you don‟t have the right to do this”, “you shouldn‟t do this”.
M: Why are you doing it?
E: Uhu.
M: Or why do you want to have this control over me?
E: Yeah. So, when would we… when would you use this phrase?
M: If somebody is trying to control you or maybe somebody is judging you.
E: Uhu.
M: Or doing something to you against your will maybe.
E: Yeah.
M: You would say “what gives you the right to take my phone away?”
E: What gives you the right to tell me what to do?
M: Alright. It‟s a good phrase to tell that other person that they shouldn‟t do that.
E: They‟re doing something unfair.
M: Unfair, okay.
E: Yep.
M: And our next phrase is very similar – who are you to play Godwith our fate?
E: Okay, so, I wanna look at this. Um, to play God.
M: Alright, so, to play God is making these arbitrary decisions like he is a master of
E: Right, controlling everything.
M: Uhu.
E: But this phrase who are you to.
M: So, basically saying you don‟t have the power or authority to do this.
E: Uhu. And you can use it in exactly the same way. Who are you to tell me what to do?
M: Who are you to take away my phone?
E: Exactly. So, you don‟t have the power to do this.
M: Very good.
E: So, these phrases are a little bit aggressive, almost, uh, belligerent, wouldn‟t you say?
M: A little bit, but I guess if you‟re being treated unfair or if you‟re angry at a situation, it
would be a good phrase to use, to put your point across.
E: Yes, and as we saw these humans are pretty angry, so why don‟t we listen again as
they‟re telling the aliens who are you to do this to us?
M: Okay, so, UFOs and constellations and stars and planets. Um, have you ever had an
encounter with one of these?
E: Well, definitely not an encounter with a UFO, but, um, maybe with some of the wonders
of the night sky.
M: Uhu.
E: Uh…
M: What happened?
E: Well, you know, when I was small I use to, uh, have my vacations up in Northern
Canada. And because it was so far away from the city…
M: Uhu.
E: It was really dark and… and you could see, um, all of theseshooting stars, so these
stars moving across the sky, um, andlighting up the whole sky with… with their brightness.
And it really is one of the most beautiful things I„ve ever seen.
M: So, shooting stars, those are like… like balls of fire that move across the sky, right?
E: Yeah, exactly. And I saw once, actually I was in an astronomy class…
M: Uhu.
E: Um, and turned around and over the horizon, like at end of the sky…
M: Uhu.
E: Where the sky meets the earth, I saw this huge ball of fire move across the sky.
M: Wow!
E: And it looked like it landed in the field next to us. It was so close.
M: Wow! That‟s nice.
E: Yeah, pretty amazing.
M: Well, I imagine that it is really amazing and I guess Canada is the place to be when
you… when you wanna see these things.
E: I know, we‟ve got like Northern lights, we‟ve got shooting stars, lots of stuff.
M: Alright, so, what about you guys? You should tell us if you‟ve ever seen a shooting star
or a meteor or something of this type of astronomy things, right?
E: Or even…
M: Alright, so, come to our website englishpod.com, be sure to leave your questions and
your comments and Erica and I are there to answer any questions or doubts.
E: Well, thanks for downloading you guys and until next time… Good bye!
M: Bye!
Constellation Aliens Star Greeting Earthlings Amazing Capacity of creating such wonders as Symphonies But your Ambition and desire will be the downfall.what gives you the right to come and judge us? Your belligerent Attitude has caused endless suffering and anguish before. pay for the price.
夏离火 回复 @夏离火: Shooting stars
Constellation星座 Earthlings地球人 From afar从很远的地方 Consequence Ambition Downfall衰落,衰败 Belligerent 好斗的 Anguish (生理或心理上的)剧痛 What gives you the right to…你凭什么… Who are you to play God to… You have us figured out你把我们看透了
Or, you know what, this guy is, um, a great employee, but his lack of ambition was his downfall.
consequence ambition downfall anguish