


欢迎关注微信公众号“xitongyingyu", (系统英语笔记),后台回复 "Englishpod”领取pdf 完美打印版用来复习哦。

M: Hello, everyone! Welcome back to EnglishPod! My name is Marco.

E: And I’m Erica.

M: And today we’re bringing you a very… I would say, embarrassing lesson for us men.

E: Right, embarrassing for men, but, I think, uh, it’s okay for women.

M: Hehe. That’s right. We’re gonna be talking about buying underwear, specifically women’s


E: Right, so, um, obviously not the favorite thing for men to do.

M: Well, apart from being a little bit uncomfortable, it’s also boring. [NOTE: apart from =


E: Yeah, it involves shopping, right?

M: Involves shopping, so we… we’re not really big on that.

E: Alright, but… well, even though it might be a little bit of an uncomfortable, um, topic,

there’s some great language in here, isn’t there?

M: Yeah, there’s some really good words and, of course, ah… the different types of

underwear, that we’re gonna be looking at.

E: Yeah.

M: But we also have some words that we’re gonna take a look at before we get into our

dialogue, so let’s start with vocabulary preview.

Voice: Vocabulary preview.

E: Well, we’re gonna look at two words that will appear in our dialogue. And the first one is


M: Lingerie.

E: Lingerie.

M: Okay, so, lingerie. This is a nice fancy word.

E: Uhu.

M: Basically for underwear, right?

E: Right, for women’s underwear.

M: Women’s underwear.

E: Yeah.

M: So, lingerie, but it’s very nice, very…

E: Like pretty sexy.

M: Sexy underwear.

E: Yeah, yeah. Now, the spelling of this word is interesting, isn’t it?

M: Yeah, it’s spelled L-I-N-G-E-R-I-E.

E: Lingerie.

M: Lingerie.

E: Yes, don’t you love English spellings?

M: Hehe. So, women’s nice, pretty sexy underwear.

E: That’s right. And our second word, awkward.

M: Awkward.

E: Awkward.

M: Awkward.

E: So, this is a feeling that men have, especially when they’re buying women’s underwear.

M: Well, yeah, you feel a little bit uncomfortable…

E: Yeah.

M: Or it’s a strange situation.

E: Or weird…

M: Yeah.

E: Or out of place. [NOTE: out of place = inappropriate]

M: It’s awkward.

E: Yes. Alright, so, we’re gonna be hearing both of these two words in the dialogue. Now,

Marco, where are we here?

M: We’re gonna be at a department store at the section, where they have women’s, uh,

lingerie and we have a guy buying underwear for his girlfriend.

E: Alright, well, let’s find out what happens.


E: Oh, the poor guy, I totally feel bad for him.

M: Yeah, he was really nervous and, of course, it was very uncomfortable for him.

E: I know and then the security guard shows up and…

M: Hehe. Exactly. But we have an opportunity to take a look at some really great words and

phrases, so let’s start off with our first on in “language takeaway”.

Voice: Language takeaway.

E: Alright, we’re gonna look at words here that mostly have to do with underwear,

describing underwear. 

M: Right.

E: And the first one is granny panties.

M: Granny panties.

E: Granny panties.

M: This isn’t like a real, real word, right? It’s not something that you find in the dictionary.

E: No, it’s a slang word, um, and we use it to describe really big, ugly underwear like your

grandmother would wear.

M: Alright, so, they’re not like the sexy little underwear.

E: No.

M: It’s more like long and it’s not very appealing ??? [NOTE: appealing = attractive]

E: Just picture what your grandmother would wear.

M: Hehe. No.

E: Hehe.

M: Alright, so, granny panties.

E: So, obviously, uh, this guy doesn’t want to be buying any of those, but the saleswoman

suggests that he try some sleep wear.

M: Sleep wear.

E: Sleep wear.

M: Sleep wear. Okay, so, sleep wear.

E: Obviously, clothes you wear when you’re sleeping.

M: Now, this is really interesting, because men aren’t really that complicated when they

come to sleeping. Just… throw on a t-shirt and that’s it. [NOTE: throw on = put on


E: Well, obviously, for women there’re more options an… and more different things you can

chose from, so…

M: Okay.

E: It’s a whole separate category for women.

M: I know. Even when you’re sleeping, you must wear something nice.

E: Yes.

M: One type of sleep wear is silky nighties.

E: Nighties.

M: Nighties.

E: N-I-G-H-T-I-E-S.

M: Okay, so, a nighty.

E: Um, it’s basically a dress that you wear when you sleep.

M: Okay. Now, the pronunciation is interesting, because the first five letters are night. 

E: Right.

M: Right? But you don’t say nighT.

E: You don’t say nighTy.

M: You say nighDy.

E: Yeah, you… you make the T a D.

M: Hm.

E: NighDy.

M: Now, she offered him some silky nighties.

E: Right, so, silky. Obviously, we know silk.

M: Right.

E: Is a soft, shiny fabric, right?

M: Right.

E: So, when something is silky, it’s either made from silk or it’s…

M: The similar.

E: Soft and shiny.

M: Okay, so…

E: Yeah.

M: Some silky nighties - very soft, shiny, uh, nighties.

E: Exactly.

M: Okay. What about our next word?

E: Well, the salesgirl offers different styles of undies.

M: Undies.

E: Undies.

M: Undies.

E: So, undies is an interesting word. It’s basically short for underwear.

M: Underwear, okay.

E: Uhu.

M: So, you can just call underwear undies.

E: Yes, but I think you mostly use this when you’re talking about women’s underwear.

M: Oh, really?

E: I mean I don’t know I would say undies when I’m talking about men’s underwear.

M: No, I don’t think so. Maybe children’s underwear.

E: Yeah, yeah, yeah, for children. Yep.

M: For children, right?

E: Yep.

M: Okay. Alright, so, we saw some of the different types of clothing, but now, let’s take a

look at this interesting adjective, mortifying.

E: Mortifying.

M: This is mortifying.

E: Mortifying.

M: Okay, so… when something is mortifying…

E: Well, I think, we’ve got some examples to show you what that is like.

Voice: Example one.

A: And then I fell in front of everyone. It was mortifying!

Voice: Example two.

B: I was completely mortified, when I realized what I had done.

Voice: Example three.

C: It must’ve been mortifying for her, when she realized that her underwear was showing.

M: So, basically, it’s very embarrassing.

E: Super embarrassing.

M: You want to die almost.

E: Yeah.

M: Okay.

E: Which is… I… interesting. I mean, mort.

M: Right, from…

E: French.

M: Mourir.

E: Yeah.

M: Uhu.

E: Interesting. Alright, well, um, etymology, here at EnglishPod.

M: Hehe. Alright, so, some interesting… Okay, so, we saw the different types of underwear,

we saw this really great word for when you’re really embarrassed.

E: Uhu.

M: So, now, let’s take a look at some of the phrases that you would use, when you’re really

embarrassed in “fluency builder”.

Voice: Fluency builder.

E: Alright, we have two phrases to look at here. And the first one – get the hell out of


M: Get the hell out of here.

E: Get the hell out of here.

M: Okay, so, if I say I want to get the hell out of here…

E: You wanna leave this place really quickly.

M: Really quickly. Just…

E: Yeah.

M: I wanna leave.

E: Right now.

M: Now, when you’re using this… this phrase of this sentence, uh, “get the hell out of here”,

is it really polite?

E: No, of course not, it’s… it’s impolite.

M: Okay, so…

E: It’s really negative.

M: Very negative and informal, right?

E: Yeah, yeah.

M: So you would use this maybe with your friends or th… like in this case think it to your


E: Yes, but it’s not a good idea to use with your boss or your mother.

M: Hehe. Right.

E: Yeah.

M: Okay. I guess, sometimes depending on the tone you use…

E: Uh.

M: How you say it, you can sound really angry, right?

E: Definitely.

M: Right, okay.

E: Alright, well, let’s listen to some examples.

Voice: Example one.

A: This place is scary. Let’s get the hell out of here!

Voice: Example two.

B: What are you doing in my house? Get the hell out of here!

Voice: Example three.

C: We were at a friend’s party and all of a sudden her parents arrived. We got the hell out

of there as quickly as possible! [NOTE: sounds like a strong Australian accent]

M: Alright, so, get the hell out of here.

E: Get the hell out of here.

M: Now, let’s take a look at our last phrase for fluency builder - get this over with.

E: Get this over with.

M: I want to get this over with.

E: So, you want to finish it really quickly.

M: But you wanna finish it because you’re not really enjoying it, right?

E: Exactly. It… this is something that you use when the situation is negative.

M: Is negative, okay.

E: Yeah.

M: In case of… I just want to get this over with.

E: Yeah, I wanna get this test over with. I wanna get this day over with. I wanna get this…

M: Maybe, if you’re on a bad date. I wanna get this date over with.

E: Yes, exactly.

M: Okay.

E: Alright, well, interesting phrases and I think w… it would help us to hear them once more

in context in the dialogue.


M: Alright, so, I guess the situation is very common: men either having to shop for this type

of article for their girlfriend or wife…

E: Uhu.

M: Because it’s their birthday…

E: Yeah.

M: Or sometimes we get dragged into a store to… to buy this…

E: So you're shopping with your girlfriend and she’s gonna make you go look at underwear

with her.

M: Hehe. Yeah, I usually don’t do that, though. I just, uh, go to the next section and just

look around.

E: Look at tools.

M: Look at tools.

E: Hehe.

M: Hehe. TVs…

E: Yeah

M: And play stations.

E: Yes, but you know what, I have seen some men, who go shopping with their girlfriends

or wives and actually enjoy buying underwear.

M: See, that’s the thing… I think i… i… it makes sense, but I don’t know how comfortable

you’re actually be. I don’t know why. I guess it just a… how it indicates sexuality and other


E: Yeah, well…

M: I… I could do it for maybe five or ten minutes, give my professional advice…

E: Yeah.

M: And then I’m out of there.

E: Alright, well, maybe those guys, who look like they’re enjoying themselves are just really

talking in their heads…

M: Hehe.

E: Um, telling themselves how much they hate this.

M: Exactly, maybe they just, uh…

E: They’re pretending.

M: Pretending or listening to their IPod.

E: Well, tell us… well, guys… I know we’ve got a lot of male listeners… tell us what you

think, um… are you embarrassed by women’s underwear?

M: Right, or, women, why aren’t you embarrassed when you buy men’s underwear for your

boyfriend or husband?

E: I think there’s a lot to talk about here…

M: Hehe.

E: So, come to our website at englishpod.com. 

M: Right, leave you questions and comments and, of course, tell us what you think about

this topic.

E: Well, thanks for downloading this lesson and until next time… Good bye!

M: Bye!

  • 听友211015220

    - l# r# lingerie 内衣 =underwear - l# r# awkward令人尴尬的 - l# r# get the hell out of here 马上离开 - l# r# get this over with 想快点结束 - l# r# granny panties保守型内裤 - l# r# sleep wear 睡衣 - l# r# silky(丝绸一样的)nighties(睡衣) 相当于a dress that you wear when you sleep. - l# r# undies 内衣 (小孩穿) - l# r# mortifying 使人窘迫的 令人惭愧的

  • 平湖旧家

    mortify and embarrassed

  • n次方_ug

    lingerie内衣 和 laundry洗衣这两个词发音好相似啊

    AM天天向上 回复 @n次方_ug: 确实如此

  • 药剂师拉杰奥


    乡下骑士 回复 @药剂师拉杰奥: 增加神秘

  • uniquespirit

    I am just having a look-around Come over here Sleepwear睡衣 Nighties睡衣 Undies底裤 Awkward Mortfying非常尴尬 Get the hell out of here

    uniquespirit 回复 @uniquespirit: Get this over with

  • HenryWang01


  • 大龙王_y0

  • 1527031phsk

    lingerie=underwear granny panties(奶奶的内裤) sleep wear silk nighties get the hell out of here(赶快离开这儿)

  • 7_7_7_7_7_7_7_


  • AM天天向上
