


欢迎关注微信公众号“xitongyingyu", (系统英语笔记),后台回复 "Englishpod”领取pdf 完美打印版用来复习哦。

M: Hello English learners! Welcome back to EnglishPod! My name is Marco.

E: And I’m Erica.

M: And today we’re bringing you a lesson that was requested by one of our listeners.

E: Yes, that’s right. We got a request for a dialogue about a receptionist.

M: So, a receptionist at an office or at a hotel…

E: Uhu.

M: So, today’s dialogue is simple, but we’re gonna be looking at some really great phrases.

E: Yeah, phrases that will help you sound really, really professional and really fluent.

M: So, we’re at an office today and the receptionist is greeting somebody that has an


E: Alright, let’s see what happens.


E: Well, that’s pretty embarrassing, hey?

M: It was embarrassing I… that’s what happens to women when they wear high heels,


E: Actually, that happened to me last weekend.

M: Really?

E: I fell down the stairs, so my… my knees are quite blue.

M: Oh no, see? High heels are dangerous. I don’t know why women wear them.

E: Well…

M: Hehe.

E: I don’t know, but that’s not what we’re here to discover.

M: Right, okay, so, let’s take a look at some of these great phases in “fluency builder”.

Voice: Fluency builder.

E: Well, I really liked how this receptionist used some excellent phrases to sound really

professional and one thing she said was certainly.

M: Certainly.

E: Certainly.

M: So why did she say certainly?

E: Well, this is a nice way to respond, um, to make the other person know that you

understand what they said.

M: So, Josh O’Neil said “Yes, I’m here to see Joanna Stevens. I have an appointment at


E: Certainly.

M: So, she is saying, I understand what you said.

E: Yes.

M: And then she said, may I take your name.

E: May I take your name.

M: May I take your name.

E: So, this is a nice way of saying…

M: What is your name?

E: Yeah.

M: So… now, this is really important, because if you said “what is your name”, is that


E: It’s correct, but it’s not really very…

M: Exactly, or I would say polite, to a certain extent.

E: Yes.

M: Okay.

E: So, may I take your name.

M: May I take your name.

E: You use this phrase when you’re going to write down the person’s name.

M: Right, so, if you meet somebody in, ah… on the street or at a bar, you wouldn’t say

“may I take your name”.

E: No.

M: Right.

E: Unless you’re going to write it down.

M: Hehe. So, usually, for an office setting where the receptionist has to write down the


E: Yes, alright, one more phrase, Ms. Stevens will be with you momentarily. 

M: Okay, Ms. Stevens will be with you momentarily.

E: Will be with you momentarily.

M: Okay, so, this is really polite.

E: Yes.

M: Momentarily, what does that mean?

E: In a moment.

M: In a moment.

E: Soon.

M: Soon.

E: Uhu.

M: Again, she could have said Ms. Stevens will come out soon or Ms. Stevens will see

you in a minute.

E: Yes.

M: But that’s… again, it’s not really that polite, right?

E: So, when you want to be formal, you can say Ms. Stevens will be with you


M: Okay, that’s a really nice phrase.

E: Alright, there’s so much in this dialogue, so many great wonderful polite phrases. So,

why don’t we listen to it one more time, but this time slowed down?


M: Okay, so, it’s pretty clear now, but there’re still a couple of phrases that I would like to

look at. So, why don’t we look at, ah, last two sentences.

E: Okay.

M: Ms. Stevens is ready for you now.

E: Ms. Stevens is ready for you now.

M: Ms. Stevens is ready for you. So, when she says ready for you, what does that mean?

E: Prepared to speak to you.

M: Okay, so instead of saying Ms. Stevens is ready or Ms. Stevens can see you now…

E: Yes.

M: You use this great little phrase, is ready for you.

E: Uhu.

M: Okay, and then she said I’ll show you to her office.

E: I’ll show you to her office.

M: I’ll show you to her office.

E: This is a lovely way of saying I will take you to the office. 

M: I will take you to the office.

E: Yeah.

M: And she followed it by saying right this way.

E: Right this way.

M: Right this way.

E: So, again, walk this way.

M: Walk this way.

E: Yeah.

M: This way, please.

E: Yes.

M: Right this way.

E: It sounds… it sounds really really nice, really polite, really welcoming.

M: Right, and especially if you use it together, right? I’ll show you to her office, right

this way, please.

E: Yes.

M: Okay, so, it’s a really great way of being polite to somebody at an office.

E: Now, the final useful phrase, watch your step.

M: Watch your step.

E: Watch your step.

M: So, watch your step. You see that everywhere on signs.

E: Yeah. Be careful.

M: Be careful where you step.

E: Yes, be careful where you’re walking.

M: Okay. So, obviously, she didn’t watch her step and…

E: She fell.

M: She fell. Okay, so really great phrases, let’s listen to this dialogue one last time.


M: Alright, so, a really simple dialogue, but with a lot of good phrases in there and it’s also

a good review for more advanced students, right?

E: Yeah, remember like these phrases can really help you sound more professional, more

welcoming, more polite, basically.

M: Okay, so if you have any questions or doubts, please come to our website


E: And Marco and I are always around to respond your questions and comments.

M: Okay, guys, so will see you there and until next time it’s… 

E: Good bye!

M: Bye!

  • uniquespirit

    Receptionist Certainly May I take your name你的名字是?(需要某人的名字时才这样问) Will be with you momentarily Someone is ready for you某人准备见你了 I'll show you to her office, right this way Watch your step

  • yiyi_uu


  • 洋洋昕昕


  • 听友106049446


  • 英语大渣男爱我

    明天中期考 听了这个再去过一遍

  • 云逸侠仙


  • 认真生活lol

    C0063: The Office ‐ Receptionist May I take your name? Can I offer you sth to drink?-- Coffee would be nice, watch your steps, *** will be with you momentarily.

  • 萌萌22

    i like this program very much

  • 大魔王和小熊跳舞

    B: Yes, a coffee would be nice, thank you. A: Here you are. Ms. Stevens is ready for you now. I’ll show you to her office, right this way. A: Just watch your step here...

  • 大魔王和小熊跳舞

    A: Good afternoon. May I help you? B: Yes, I’m here to see Joanna Stevens. I have an appointment at four. A: Certainly, may I take your name? I’ll let her know you’ve arrived. B: Sure, it’s Josh O’Neil. A: Ms. Stevens will be with you momentarily. Can I offer you something to drink?