Elementary ‐ Small Talk (B0044)
A: Morning.
B: Hi there Mr. Anderson! How are you on this fine
A: Fine, thank you.
B: It sure is cold this morning, isn’t it? I barely even get
out of bed!
A: Yeah. It’s pretty cold, alright.
B: Did you catch the news this morning? I heard that there
was a fire on Byron Street.
A: No, I didn’t hear about that.
B: Did you happen to watch the football game last night?
The Patriots scored in the last minute!
A: No, I don’t like football.
B: Oh. . . By the way, I saw you with your daughter at the
office Christmas party. She is really beautiful!
A: She’s my wife! Oh, here’s my floor! Nice talking to
you. Goodbye.
B: Sir this is the 56th floor! We are on the 70th!
A: That’s okay, I’ll take the stairs!
5颜6色de早晨 回复 @Alice991205: 12是原文复制粘贴的时候,把原文稿第12页也复制了
Miss英语笔记 回复 @奋虫虫: 继续加油吖
为啥我听着像gracious party😂
very good
I barely even get out ofbed。请问大家早上起床的事 为什么不用got过去式呢
甘志浩 回复 @bearlily: I barely even got out of bed!
Bigger果丹皮 回复 @bearlily: 咖喱口音