未明觉明 回复 @jxy_1023: 请问这是哪款记事本,感觉像OneNote?
prettystar3 回复 @EnglishPodLearner: deaths
继续听 真的很棒 很少有专门讲一些日常实用英语的资料 要是早一点接触就好了
Miss英语笔记 回复 @梦随晨景致: 词汇部分没有加 都是前面学习过的词汇 后面会慢慢补上 需要听写
if i received the promotion,i would be heading up the implementation of the new policies. 请问大家是iwill 还是i would
Dan八个八 回复 @bearlily: i would没错啊,这是条件句
critical pandemic draft impact outbreak head up forecast vaccine
contingency plan
Order of business Vaccine Outbreak Bird flu Head up Forecast Pandemic Contingency plan Draft Critical Impact
order of business bird flu contingency plan critical pandemic draft impact outbreak head up forecast vaccine