to arrange, an agreement to meet someone at some particular time;work for you,be OK, not OK, no good;check again, double check, appointment, can you make appointment for me to see the doctor; planned at specific time, scheduled;booked solid;I'm available at 3, let's meet then;I'm free at 10, does that work for you? no good.Tuesday is no good, I have meetings all day.
to arrange ; appointment; available; double check; booked solid; scheduled; no good;have no available time
To arrange=be ok Appointment=a schedule you meet someone Available=someone is not busy Double check=check again Booked solid=have no available time Schedule=plan No good Be ok=work for you
To arrange为什么会在work for you 和be okay前面啊?它和后面这俩次不是一个意思啊,他们什么关系啊
to arrange appointment available double check booked solid work for you schedule no good
I am afraid at ten 什么work for you 没有听懂
听友234051594 回复 @听友226086379: I am free at ten, does that work for you?
have no available time
炎炎夏日1992 回复 @jxy_1023: 这是什么软件写的笔记