


M: Hello everyone! And welcome back to EnglishPod! My name is Marco.

E: I‟m Erica.

M: And today we have a great intermediate lesson for you.

E: That‟s right, we‟ve got some excellent real English for you all about cleaning the house.

M: Cleaning the house, that‟s a real life situation, so, we‟re gonna give you real English.

E: Exactly, so, on today‟s lesson we‟re gonna look at language about cleaning the house. We‟re

also going to learn a few phrases that you can use if you wanna ask someone for help and maybe

if you‟re a little bit lazy like me…

M: Hehe.

E: A phrase or two to avoid doing work. Okay, well, let‟s get started then with our “vocabulary


Voice: Vocabulary preview.

M: Alright, great, we have two great words for you today. Erica, why don‟t tell us the first one?

E: The first word is such a mess.

M: Such a mess.

E: Such a mess.

M: So, when something is a mess…

E: It‟s dirty.

M: Yeah, or things are everywhere.

E: Disorganized.

M: Yeah, so, you know, you have your clothes on the floor and your shoes on…

E: Okay, so, that sounds a lot like my desk at work.

M: Hehe. Your shoes on your desk, yeah, I‟ve seen that; I‟ve been wanting to ask you about that.

E: Hehe. Okay, such a mess – really, really dirty.

M: Okay, now let‟s take a look at our second word – chores.

E: Chores.

M: Chores.

E: Chores.

M: Chores is a really common word for…

E: Things you have to do around the house.

M: Like, for example, laundry…

E: Or making the bed.

M: Or when you have to take out the garbage.

E: Those are all examples of chores.

M: Chores, yeah. I guess everyone can remember when they were kids, they had chores to do.

E: Yeah, when I was a kid, it was my chore to chop wood.

M: Chop wood?

E: Yeah!

M: That‟s a great chore. Playing with an axe.

E: Hehe. Maybe if you‟re a boy, but for a girl it was not so great.

M: Uh, that‟s why you‟re so strong and fit.

E: Yeah. Hehe.

M: Alright, so, let‟s listen to our dialogue for the first time. It‟s gonna be kind of fast.

E: But don‟t worry if you miss something, because we‟ll explain all of the important language



E: Oh my God, Marco, what happened there?

M: An explosion.

E: We love a good explosion here at EnglishPod.

M: We‟re gonna give you as many explosions as possible. Hehe.

E: Okay.

M: Alright, so, let‟s take a look at our “language takeaway”.

Voice: Language takeaway.

E: So, „language takeaway‟ is the part of our lesson where we teach you what we think are some

really important words that are found in the dialogue.

M: Exactly, and we have three really important words in our dialogue today, so, let‟s start with

the first one.

E: Tidy up.

M: Tidy up.

E: Tidy up.

M: So, to tidy up means to…

E: Put things in their correct spot.

M: Right, so, put the shoes on the floor.

E: Yeah.

M: Take them off…

E: Get the shoes off my desk.

M: Exactly, so, tidy up – organize things a little bit.

E: Yeah, put things away.

M: Okay, let‟s take a look at our second word now – spotless.

E: Spotless.

M: Spotless.

E: Spotless.

M: So, when you want something to be spotless…

E: You want it to be really clean.

M: Really clean, not a spot of dirt on it.

E: Like your desk.

M: Exactly, my desk is spotless.

E: My desk is not spotless.

M: Hehe. Alright, great word. Now let‟s take a look at our last word for language takeaway –


E: Mall.

M: Mall.

E: M-A-L-L, mall.

M: Mall, yeah. It‟s a strange sounding word.

E: It is a little bit funny sounding, but it basically means a large building with many shops inside,

many different stores inside.

M: Right. Now, in British English you would say shopping center.

E: Yeah, I think that‟s a little bit more common, but in American English we say mall.

M: Mall. Great, so, now it‟s time in our show to look at “putting it together”.

Voice: Putting it together.

E: Okay, so, in „putting it together‟ we take a word from the dialogue and we show you how to

use this word in real English, so, we give you a couple of examples of how this particular word

can be used.

M: Exactly, so, the word that we have for today is groceries.

E: Groceries.

M: Groceries.

E: Groceries.

M: Erica, why don‟t you tell us what groceries are all about?

E: So, groceries are all of the food items that you need to buy at the supermarket, so, like your

bread and milk and meat and…

M: Vegetables.

E: Exactly.

M: All that stuff.

E: Those are all groceries.

M: Okay, so, let‟s listen to some examples on how we use this phrase.

Voice: Example one.

A: There’s no milk. Can you go to the grocery store?

Voice: Example two.

B: Here’s the grocery list. I need all of these things, so that I can cook dinner tonight. Don’t

forget anything.

Voice: Example three.

C: I hate grocery shopping. I can never find what I’m looking for.

M: Okay, great examples. We heard some really interesting combinations, right?

E: Yeah, we hard grocery store.

M: Which is where you buy your groceries.

E: Exactly, grocery shopping.

M: Buying all your groceries. Hehe.

E: Hehe. And grocery list.

M: Um, where you have all the items that you need to buy.

E: A list of everything you need to buy.

M: Exactly.

E: You know, grocery store, I think this is quite a common word in Canada.

M: Probably in North America.

E: Yeah, do you say grocery store in America?

M: Well, if it‟s a small one.

E: Really, so…

M: Like a small store.

E: In Canada I say grocery store for even like a supermarket.

M: Really?

E: Yeah.

M: I guess, mm, I would say supermarket for a large one and grocery store for a little corner


E: All of these little differences in American and Canadian English.

M: Hehe.

E: Okay, I think it‟s time for us to listen to our dialogue another time, this time it‟ll be a little bit



M: Okay, great stuff. Love hearing that explosion, that vacuum just is a bomb.

E: Yeah.

M: Hehe.

E: In this dialogue there was some really interesting language that you can use if you don‟t

wanna do any chores in a house.

M: Exactly, so, it‟s time now for “fluency builder”.

Voice: Fluency builder.

E: You know, „fluency builder‟ is a part of our show that we use to take a common phrase or a

word that you already know and show you how to express that idea more fluently and more


M: Exactly, so, let‟s take a look at our first idea that we want to explain.

E: Let’s say you‟re watching TV like the woman in this dialogue and your husband wants you to

help him do the chores and you say “No, I‟m busy”.

M: Right, or “I‟m doing something”.

E: Those are two great expressions, but we heard something a little bit different in the dialogue.

Phrase 1: I’m in the middle of something right now. I’m in the middle of something right now.

M: Yeah, that phrase is great. It means she‟s busy, she‟s doing something.

E: Yeah, I’m in the middle of something.

M: Yeah.

E: And so, Marco, you can tell us about our next phrase.

M: Okay, well, now suppose that you want to say, you‟ll be there soon.

E: You might say “I‟ll be there soon” or…

M: “I‟m coming”.

E: Exactly.

M: But in our dialogue we heard something a little bit different, let‟s listen.

Phrase 2: I’ll be there in a second. I’ll be there in a second.

M: So, this is a more natural way of saying “I‟ll be there very soon”.

E: Yeah, you know what, I think I use this phrase almost every day, I’ll be there in a second.

M: Yeah, yeah, it‟s really common.

E: Yeah, it means I‟ll be there really fast.

M: Yes.

E: Okay, so, our final item today in fluency builder, um, is a great phrase that helps you say the

idea “Could you” or “Would you”.

M: Right or “Can you”.

E: Yeah, so, “Can you sweep the floor”, “Could you sweep the floor”.

M: But in the dialogue we heard something that‟s a little bit different.

Phrase 3: Why don’t you clean the floors and I’ll go to the supermarket? Why don’t you clean

the floors and I’ll go to the supermarket?

M: Great, so, this is more natural and it‟s giving a suggestion.

E: Yeah, it‟s sort of a polite way of asking someone to clean the floors.

M: Right, it‟s a really good and polite way of saying it, yeah, I would agree on that. This was

fluency builder, now we are ready to listen to our dialogue again at its normal speed.

E: And this time you‟ll understand a lot better.


E: Um, has… has this ever happened to you as your vacuum cleaner exploded in your house?

M: Well, not a big explosion like this one.

E: Not so dramatically.

M: Yeah, not so dramatically, but, ah, I‟ve had this happen to me before, yeah. And dust

everywhere and it‟s just… it‟s a mess. You don‟t wanna have…

E: You know, this word vacuum, um, is really… a very American word.

M: Yeah, vacuum. Vacuum the rug, vacuum the carpet.

E: Yeah, vacuum cleaner. In the UK what do they say?

M: Hoover.

E: Hoover.

M: Yeah, hoover.

E: Hoover the rug.

M: Hoover the rug. Which is interesting, because it‟s actually a brand.

E: Yeah?

M: So, I guess it‟s kind of like American English you say “Pass me a kleenex”.

E: Oh, that‟s true.

M: That would be like a tissue.

E: Yeah.

M: So, I guess they say “Hoover the rug” or “Hoover the house”, yeah.

E: Wow.

M: Hehe.

E: You know, I really love these small differences in meaning that we have between American

English and British English.

M: Yeah, it‟s… it‟s fun, okay. Well, another interesting thing about this is that the man was

doing the house work.

E: I know.

M: He‟s a househusband.

E: Yeah, so, he‟s the one doing all the chores in the house.

M: Yeah, that‟s… well, that‟s the new trend now. Now it‟s more popular for men to stay home

and take care of the babies and clean the house.

E: Yeah, like when I was growing up, my dad would take out the garbage and that was it.

M: Hehe.

E: Hehe. My mom had to do everything else, but now I think it‟s becoming a lot more common

in… especially in North America for the household chores to be divided between the man and

the wife equally.

M: Yeah, I think it‟s fair, it‟s fair.

E: Me too, yeah.

M: Yeah.

E: You‟d make a good husband, Marco.

M: Hehe. That‟s what they say, but they haven‟t married me yet.

E: Hehe. Okay.

M: Alright, well, we‟re out of time folks, be sure to log on to our community website and you

can leave all your comments and maybe all the househusbands out there can give us their

feedback on what they think about this.

E: Yeah, so, check us out at englishpod.com and thanks for listening today, everyone, until next

time, this Marco and Erica saying…

M: Bye!

E: Good bye!

  • 申子言

    1. Such a mess = dirty = disorganized 2. Chores 家务活 3. tidy up 整理 修整 4. spotless = clean 5. mall = shopping center(British) 6. groceries/ grocery store /groceries list 7. I am in the middle of sth.= I'm doing sth. 8. I 'ii be there in a second = I am coming 9. a list of chores 10. why don't you 11. dust the furniture / make the furniture dusted 12 set the table 13 turn it on 14 Vacuum cleaner = hoover vacuum the rug(小毯子) hoover the house hoover the rug

  • 天天吃饼的打工人


  • pisco_it


    听友90759367 回复 @pisco_it: 这个女生在后半段的课程里面和Marco一起讲解对话了,语速会稍微快一点。我是二刷过来的,现在再听开始的课感觉语速变“友好”了一点。为了这性感的声音 一定加油学完啊!

  • 田超_8h


  • 柠檬家女孩


  • 广清Mike

    I am a househusband.

    Miss英语笔记 回复 @广清Mike: are you ?

  • 瑶Claire

    1. intermediate lesson中级课程 2. such a mess: really dirty or things are everywhere一团糟 3.chores/ t∫o(r)z/: like laundry,making the bed,chop wood(axe斧子) 家务,日常杂事 4. tidy up:Put things in their correct spot. 收拾,整理 5.spotless:Really clean, not a spot of dirt on it. 一尘不染 6.mall(美):shopping center(英) 商场:购物中心

    瑶Claire 回复 @瑶Claire: 7. groceries:all of the food items 食品杂货 grocery store食品杂货店 (该词加拿大常用,美国仅用于小店) 8. vacuum(美):vacuum the rug /carpet 吸尘器:用吸尘器吸地毯 hoover(英) 9. I'm in the middle of something.= I'm busy. 10. I'll be there in a second.= I'll be there soon. 11. why don't you?=could you?=would you? 提建议

  • Emma_n77

    打卡Day12 keep going

  • 夏落不烦恼


  • 1504484nosm
