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Miss英语笔记 回复 @木林森朦嚓嚓: 只有一两篇没有 说有敏感词放不上去
Not such a big deal keep it down switch off do u mind noisy rude disturb interrupt inconsiderate to whisper 耳语 inconsiderate Can't hear a thing on the phone
imconsidarate; can not hear a thing; keep it down; switch off; do you mind; impolite; rude; noise; disturb;not such a big deal;loud;
Miss英语笔记 回复 @13602325ejy: 加油呀
not a such a big deal 的第三个例句听不出来。请问是i dont think it would be such a big deal if you are 5 minutes late tomorrow. 请大家帮我指正。
甘志浩 回复 @bearlily: not such a big deal
the tv is still on对吗 还是没有is呢,请教一下大家
听友71943707 回复 @bearlily: 有is
XuJohn 回复 @XuJohn: 自己听写的