21天读英文《海鸥乔纳森》-Day 4

21天读英文《海鸥乔纳森》-Day 4


乔纳森忘记平庸誓言 黑暗中独行 挑战五千英尺


 ①He felt better for hisdecision to be just another one of the Flock. There would be no ties now to theforce that had driven him to learn, there would be no more challenge and nomore failure. And it was pretty, just to stop thinking, and fly through thedark, toward the lights above the beach.



 ②Dark! The hollow voicecracked in alarm. Seagulls never fly in the dark!



 ③Jonathan was not alertto listen. It’s pretty, he thought. The moon and the lights twinkling on thewater, throwing out little beacon-trails through the night, and all so peacefuland still...



④ Get down! Seagulls never fly in the dark! If you were meantto fly in the dark, you’d have the eyes of an owl! You’d have charts forbrains! You’d have a falcon’s short wings!



⑤There in the night, a hundred feet in the air, Jonathan LivingstonSeagull - blinked. His pain, his resolutions, vanished.



⑥  Short wings. A falcon’s short wings!



⑦ That’s the answer! What a fool I’ve been! All I need is atiny little wing, all I need is to fold most of my wings and fly on just thetips alone! Short wings!



⑧ He climbed two thousand feet above the black sea, andwithout a moment for thought of failure and death, he brought his forewingstightly in to his body, left only the narrow swept daggers of his wingtipsextended into the wind, and fell into a vertical dive.



⑨ The wind was a monster roar at his head. Seventy miles perhour, ninety, a hundred and twenty and faster still. The wing-strain now at ahundred and forty miles per hour wasn’t nearly as hard as it had been before atseventy, and with the faintest twist of his wingtips he eased out of the diveand shot above the waves, a gray cannonball under the moon.



⑩ He closed his eyes to slits against the wind and rejoiced. Ahundred forty miles per hour! And under control! If I dive from five thousandfeet instead of two thousand, I wonder how fast..



 His vows of amoment before were forgotten, swept away in that great swift wind. Yet he feltguiltless, breaking the promises he had made himself. Such promises are onlyfor the gulls that accept the ordinary. One who has touched excellence in hislearning has no need of that kind of promise.



 By sunup,Jonathan Gull was practicing again. From five thousand feet the fishing boatswere specks in the flat blue water, Breakfast Flock was a faint cloud of dustmotes, circling.


