To be honest,I'm not doing anything right now. They're so lucky to have such a nice office to work in. We meet for lunch once in a while. 练习 In between we go swimming. You will have an exam tomorrow? Good luck. You can order what you want.
To be honest , I’m not doing anything right now. They’re so lucky to have such a nice office to work in. We meet for lunch once in a while. In between we go swimming. You will have an exam tomorrow? Good luck! You can order everthing you want.
To be honest,I'm not doing anything right now. They're lucky to have such a nice office to work in. We meet for lunch once in a while. In between,we go to swimming. You tomorrow exam?Good lucky. You want eat everything order it.
哈哈,转眼坚持200节课啦。加油(ง •̀_•́)ง
口语粉碎机 回复 @Sunny1102: 加油呀