348 One cannot love and be wise

348 One cannot love and be wise


One Idiom One Day: One cannot love and be wise

Everyone can see that she will not be a good match for him, but he seems to be head over heels in love with her. Well, one cannot love and be wise.

people often do foolish things when they are in love; people often fall in love with a person they are not compatible with; people behave strangely when in love

This phrase originated during the early 16th century. It means the same as the phrase 'Love is blind'. This expression is first found in Chaucer's Merchant's Tale, circa 1405: For loue is blynd alday and may nat see. It didn't at that stage become a commonly used phrase and isn't seen again in print until Shakespeare took it up.

E.g., I don’t think it is wise of them to decide to get married so soon into their relationship. But then, one cannot love and be wise.


