听写材料27.La Chagire cave formation

听写材料27.La Chagire cave formation



Hello,everybody, I am here today, because I visited caves all overNorth America. Since you are going to study cave formations, Dr. Bowasked me to come and share some of my experiences with you. In addition todescribing some technical aspects about caves, I would convey the sense ofadventure that cavers share. Recently, I visited theLa Chagirecave inNew Mexico, my dream hasalways been to discover a new passage way. I had a chance here, becauseLa Chagireis so large thatdiscoveries are frequently made there. The cave itself wasn’t even discovered until1986. However, people in the area had figured that there must be a large cavenearby, because of the strong wind that blew from behind the rock that coveredthe entrance. Enormous amounts of air enter and exit the cave in order tomaintain the balance of pressure with the outside atmosphere. When I climbed intothe cave, I had to fight 45 mile-an-hour winds. After all that effort, I had tobe extra careful about maintaining my energy level. People who are tired tendto be careless, and may be more concerned about getting out of the cave thantaking care of it. There are formations inLa Chagirethat look likeocean waves, Christmas trees and other stuff no one has ever seen before. Cavesare usually created by carbonic acid that trickles down from above, but thiscave was sculpted out by very powerful sulfuric acid that rose up from below.



1.    cave: n. 山洞

2.    formation: n. 形成

3.    technical:adj. 工艺的,技术的

4.    caver: n. 探查洞穴的人

5.   La Chagire:

6.    New Mexico: 美国新墨西哥州

7.    carbonic acid: 【化】石炭酸

8.    trickle: v. 滴流,细细地流

9.    sculpt: v. 雕刻

10.  sulfuric acid: 【化】硫磺酸

