


第一步 疯狂限时做考题

 1. - Can I help you, madam?

     - I'm looking for     pair of shoes for my daughter.

    A. the            B. an              C. a                D. some

2. - Wow! What a nice computer!

     - My parents bought it for my sister and me.lt's    .

   A. ours           B. hers      C. mine          D. theirs

3. If you want to be thinner and healthier, you'd better eat    food and take   exercise.

    A. more; fewer           B. more; less

     C. fewer; more       D. less; more

4. You don't have to describe her. I      her several times.

   A. had met       B. have met    C. met     D. meet

5. - I'd like to find some information about Hainan Island. Would you please teach me    to surf the Internet?

  - With pleasure.

   A, what     B. when          C.how           D. where

6. Nothing in the world is     if you set your mind to do it.

      A. impossible           B. wonderful

     C. interesting           D. necessary

7. - Where is my umbrella?

  - It's fine today. You       take an umbrella with you.

   A. can't          B. needn't      C. mustn't      D. shouldn't

8. Our sports meet has been       till next Monday because of the bad weather.

A. put on        B. put up        C. put off        D. put down

9. Tom regards Nanjing as his second      because he has been here for over ten years.

A.family  B.room    C.house   D.home

10. Coffee is ready. How nice it     ! Would you like some?

  A. feels       B. smells         C. sounds        D.looks

11. - I lost my wallet on my way to school this morning.

  -      ! You must be careful next time.

  A. Take care            B. Excuse me

   C. What a pity        D. You're welcome

12. - When shall we meet again?

   - Make it    day you like; it's all the same to me.

A.one    B.another  C.some   D.any

13. The teacher asked the students       .

      A. if they were interested in dinosaurs

    B. when was Albert Einstein born

     C. what they will do with the computers

     D. how many trees they have planted

14. -           ?

  - Sorry, he has gone to Japan. But he will be back in two days

     A. Who is Jack            B. May I speak to Jack

     C. How is Jack today       D. What's wrong with Jack

15. No matter      the weather is like, you can always find

     surfers out            the waves in Honolulu.

    A. what; riding            B. how; riding

     C. what; to ride           D. how; to ride




1. - CanI help you, madam?

 - I'm looking for a pair of shoes for my daughter.

   【购物常用句型:I'm looking for..,我想买……。】

2. - Wow! What a nice computer!

 - My parents bought it for my sister and me. It's ours.

   【buy sth. for sb给某人买某物】

3. If you want to be thinner and healthier. you'd better eat

 less food and take more exercise.【操练比较级的经典句】

4. You don't have to describe her.I have met her several

 times.  【现在完成时经典句】

5. - I'd like to find some information about Hainan Island.

   Would you please teach me how to surf the Internet?


 - With pleasure.

6. Nothing in the world is impossible if you set your  mind

 to do it。  【李阳老师隆重推荐励志经典句!】

7. - Where is my umbrella?

 - It's fine today. You needn't take an umbrella with you.

   【更口语化的说法是:You don't need to...】

8. Our sports meet has been put off till next Monday because of the bad weather.【put off:延期;推迟】

 【“运动会”也可以说成“sports meeting”】

9. Tom regards Nanjing as his second home because he has been here for over ten years.【regard...as...:把……看作/当作……】

10. Coffee is ready How nice it smells! Would you like some?

11. - Ilost my wallet on my way to school this morning.

   - What a pity! You must be careful next time.

   【美国人更常说:What a shame!】

12. - When shall we meet again?

   - Make it any day you like; it's all the same to me.

   【all the same:没有区别】

13. The teacher asked the students if they were interested in dinosaurs.  【if引导宾语从句】

14.- May I speak to Jack?【打电话常用语】

   - Sorry, he has gone to Japan. But he will be back in two days.

15. No matter what the weather is like, you can always find

   surfers out riding the waves in Honolulu.

   【no matter what whatever:无论什么:find sb. doing sth发现某人正在做某事】

