U1-1-Pick up 接机-01

U1-1-Pick up 接机-01

A:Excuse me,are you Mrs Green from England?
B:yes, I am
A:I'm pleased to meet you,Mrs. Green ,my name is Myra, I work in Beijing instiute of technology,I came here to meet you.
B:How do you do?
A:How do you do!
B:It's kind of you to meet me at the airport.
A:Welcome to Beijing.Is this your first time in China?
B:No, I have visited China several times,but it's my first visit to Beijing and I think it's a great honor to be invited to your beautiful city.
A:It's our pleasure to have you here.I hope you will have a pleasant saty here.
B:Thank you ,I'm sure I will have a wonderful time here.
