

Explanation of case to patient向病人解释病情
D: Mrs. Wang, I am afraid to tell you that you are
having an ectopic pregnancy. I will explain to you
what that means. It is something quite serious for
which exploratory laparotomy is needed urgently. I
recommend you to be admitted to our hospital as soon as possible.王女士,我要告诉你你患了异位妊娠。我会向你解释这是什么情况。他是一种很严重的情况,需要紧急做剖腹探查手术。我建议你尽快住院
The fact that you are a woman of child bearing age who is complaining of right lower abdominal pain and nausea, the diagnosis of being pregnant had to be ruled out. After hearing your story, the physical exam and he studies, I have come to the conclusion that you are pregnant. But this pregnancy cannot be continued since the place that the embryo got implanted is not normal.During my physical examination. I found your abdomen to be very tense and slightly enlarged on the right side. You were perspiring a lot and you have a fast heartbeat.
Moreover, the urine pregnancy test was positive which explains the symptoms you are having and you are past your menstruaI period by quite some time. The ultrasound also showed that there's no gestational sac inside the uterus and there was a lot of free tIuid inside the pelvis suggestive of accumulated blood.你是生育年龄的女性,这次因为下腹部疼痛和乏力就诊,是否怀孕一定要排除。听了你的病史,做了体格检查和实验室检查,我得出结论,你怀孕了。但是这次怀孕不能继续因为胚胎植入了不正常的位置。在给你做体格检查时,我发现你的肚子很紧张右边有点增大。你出了很多汗,心跳很快。此外,尿检阳性也能解释你现在的症状和你月经过期。B超显示子宫里面没有妊娠囊并且有很多游离液体在骨盆里面,这暗示盆腔积血。
Usually a woman has a uterus with two long tubes
that we call the fallopian tubes on both sides. Fertilization takes place in the fallopian tube but then the fertilized egg must implant inside the uterus. When implantation of the fertilized egg occurs outside of it, we call the condition an ectopic pregnancy. This is quite serious since it can
lead to internal bleeding and shock. This partly explains the fact that you arc feeling weak and can feel your heart beating very fast.通常女性有一个子宫,有两根长长的管子在子宫两侧,我们叫输卵管。受精发生在输卵管内,但是受精卵必须植入子宫内。如果受精卵种植在子宫外,我们称为异位妊娠(宫外孕)。这是很严重的情况,因为它能导致内出血和休克。这也能解释你感觉虚弱和心跳快。
Mrs. Wang, it is very important'that you get admitted
right away and proceed with an exploratory laparotomy. I would like to explain and discuss the whole situation with your family members, especially your husband. 1 need to talk about how the procedure is done, and irs imporlance, including the complications involved. 1 also would like to talk about the risks of further pregnancy.王女士,你马上住院并行剖腹探查是很重要的。我会和你家人解释整个情况,特别是你丈夫。我会跟你们说手术是怎样进行的以及手术的重要性,包括手术并发症。我也会跟你说明以后怀孕的风险。
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