




those who love doing um don't see me so

seem alongside guys able to hunt me I

get tired all the time

because because I'm not only an actress

but I'm a singer so doing two things at

the same time it is really tiring

because of the concert I started to run

every day for 45 minutes

and I did around 15 minutes of like

weightlifting that to me actually

changed my entire complexion and even

like the energy level that I have and

you know Bosco always says that I like

to punch people so that's another way

but of course I don't want to teach

children that but sometimes like

pinching or like just like punches and

stuff to like a guy it's like sometimes

we kind of feel it's funny and then

you're like oh I'm more energized now

yes I do every time I feel when I see

him and if I'm tired I just like Bosco

uh-huh of what Thanks if he's a punching

bag he's a cool guy yep

he allows me to do that but of course

not everyone does so don't learn from me

thank you I lost weight because of the

concert because I was running so much

but if you really think I didn't lose a

lot because I've been trying out a lot

of my old clothes and I still fit it

perfectly so I think I built muscle so

actually I gained weight but the thing

is I look firmer like I don't look like

skinny and weak but instead I look kind

of more muscular that's the only


yeah but I didn't really lose that much

weight I think max five pounds max

I actually don't I feel really bad for

saying that I pig out

I love pigging out I do I love picking

out what I like I like making juice like

I'd bought this like juice mixer it's so

mini it's just for one cup and then I

put all my strawberries and my

blueberries I mix it every day when I'm

at home of course I like to use the

juicer and I like a lot of juices what's

my weakness chocolate like anything that

has chocolate no matter if it's

chocolate cookies or chocolate cake or

just anything that has some chocolate on

top I'm the type of person that can

actually go to one of those bakery shops

and buy myself a happy birthday cake

just just because I feel like I want to

eat it and sometimes that people always

ask they're like oh Linda do you want

candles with that I'm like no it's okay

I'm just kind of pick out at home I'm

going to eat an entire like 12 12 20


kind of like birthday cake for myself

and has chocolate on top so that I

really have to stop myself all the time



  • 米修米修_vn


    lorraineq 回复 @米修米修_vn: 最幸福的事,护花危情主题曲

    米修米修_vn 回复 @lorraineq: 谢谢😜

  • 碎冰破壁铛啷响


  • 艾爱_rS


    励志陶泥哥 回复 @艾爱_rS:

  • JTse_mh

    天呐 这个姐姐原来英语这么棒

  • 爽子一点都不22222


    励志陶泥哥 回复 @爽子一点都不22222: 我第一次听的时候,也被震惊住了。

  • 碎冰破壁铛啷响

    重新听写打卡237 2022.3.27