


[00:13.89]Those two young men dwell on an island and live on fishing.
[00:20.84]Peru embarked on a massive programme of reform.
[00:27.85]Science studies are empirical researches in most cases.
[00:35.41]The new law needs strict enforcement.
[00:41.90]The diplomat received enthusiastic praise.
[00:48.92]Do you know Liu Hua,
[00:50.66]a famous female entrepreneur?
[00:55.60]The music evoked memories of her youth.
[01:01.44]This warm weather is exceptional for January.
[01:08.68]Babies today have a longer life expectancy
[01:12.44]than those born a hundred years ago.
[01:17.80]The Arctic expedition reached the North Pole.
[01:24.45]The research is very important,
[01:27.30]but the expenditure of time and money is also considerable.
[01:34.77]In the play the heroine expired of a broken heart.
[01:41.76]The woolly elephant has been extinct for a long time.
[01:48.64]The story about his life abroad is completely fabricated.
[01:55.77]During the two world wars,
[01:58.06]the monopoly capitalists amassed fabulous wealth.
[02:04.97]There are many facets to this question.
[02:10.42]The girl's father punished her for falsehood.
[02:16.81]A good conscience is a continual feast,
[02:20.69]A good conscience is a soft pillow.
[02:26.11]The old woman is too feeble to do her own shopping.
[02:32.10]Everything was working smoothly,there was no flap.
[02:38.50]She flipped through the pages of a magazine,
[02:41.40]not really concentrating on them.
[02:46.39]This old glass dish is very fragile.
[02:52.40]Friction between two sticks can create a fire.
[02:58.28]Their common interests fuse the two companies.
[03:05.22]Astronomers at the University of California
[03:08.81]discovered one of the most distant galaxies.
[03:15.55]You cannot generalize about the effects of the drug
[03:18.74]from one or two cases.
[03:23.40]They aim to appeal to people's generosity.
[03:30.01]The teacher glared at the impertinent boy.
[03:36.07]The skier glided skillfully down the snow-covered slope.
[03:42.46]There was a gloomy outlook over roof and chimneys.
[03:49.22]You shouldn't listen to gossip.
[03:53.49]It grieves me to have to say it,
[03:55.72]but you have only yourself to blame.
[04:00.99]I groped my way to a seat in the dark movie theater.
[04:07.50]Do you have absolute proof of her guilt?
[04:12.97]We heard the harmonious sounds of a choir.
[04:18.72]Count one's chickens before they are hatched.

