

  • 聊赠一枝春33


    秋香老师FM 回复 @聊赠一枝春33: Tammy,美国乡村歌曲

  • 秋香老师FM


  • 秋香老师FM

    Tammy! Tammy! can't let him go 塔米塔米不能让他走 The breast from that by you 心中的小野兽被爱 keeps all right in love 驯化得服服帖帖 Tammy! Tammy! you love in so 塔米塔米你恋爱了 When the lightest one, soften one 最飘渺,最轻柔 A long for this charms 最渴望的美丽 A sing like a violin 歌声如小提琴般动听 if I'll ring his noums 如果我能挽起他的胳膊 Wish I knew if he knew what I'm dreaming of, 真想知道他是否了解我正在幻想的东西 Tammy! Tammy! Tammy's in love. 塔米塔米塔米恋爱了 Tammy! Tammy! Tammy's in love. 塔米塔米塔米恋爱了

  • 秋香老师FM

    Tammy I hear the cottonwoods whisp'ring above, 我听见杨木在低语 Tammy! Tammy! Tammy's in love! 塔米塔米塔米恋爱了 he one hootie owl hootie hoos to the dove, 一只猫头鹰对着鸽子咕咕叫 Tammy! Tammy! Tammy's in love! 塔米塔米塔米恋爱了 Does my darling feel what 我心爱的人,当你靠近我 I feel when he comes near? 你能感同身受吗 My heart beats so joyfully you'd think 我的心跳如此欢快你会认为 that he could hear, 他会听到 Wish I knew if he knew what I'm dreaming of, 真想知道他是否了解我正在幻想的东西 Tammy! Tammy! Tammy's in love. 塔米塔米恋爱了 We bouing we bouing you're night now 我们一起玩耍,夜已深