Tuesday with Morrie - The Student(一)

Tuesday with Morrie - The Student(一)

The student (Ⅰ)
1.Lost contact with 失去联系
Keep/stay in touch 保持联系 =keep track of
2.Strutting [‘strʌtiŋ] adj. 大摇大摆的 昂首阔步的
Strut around the town
3.Classifieds n. 分类广告=classified ads
4.Broken promise 背弃的诺言
5.Sour [saʊə] v. 酸臭的;讨厌的v.使失望;使变酸n. 苦事
Turn/go sour 变酸
A sour-faced old man 绷着脸的老人
6.Encounter with 遇见;偶然碰到(问题);邂逅(come across)
Encounter problems 面临问题
Pancreatic [,pænkrɪ’ætɪk] 胰腺
7.Mustache [mə’stɑːʃ] n. 胡子(八字胡)
Whisker n. 络腮胡
Beard n. 胡须
8.Bloat [bləʊt] v./n. 膨胀;肿胀=swell v.
Be doubled over 痛得直不起腰
9.Contort [kən'tɔːt]v. 扭曲;曲解
His face was contorted with rage 脸都气歪了
10.Moan [məʊn] v. 抱怨;呻吟
Moan at sb 对..发牢骚
11.Avert v. 避免;转移=prevent sth from happening.
Avert one’s eye/gaze 转移目光
