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Daily English


Hello, the topic Captain Science would like to talk about today is cell differentiation (细胞分化). We human beings come from fertilized eggs, and the fertilized eggs replicate (复制) and increase the cell numbers via cell division. A human adult can have around 37.2 trillion cells. You may get confused (困惑的) if all parts of a human body come from the same kind of cell, then why different parts of the human being vary so much? That can be attribute to cell differentiation. Cell differentiation means the process that cells are developing towards different directions(方向) during cell division. Every cell has a copy of genetic material, which can be seen as an essential file. The process of executing different tasks from such essential files, is called cell differentiation.

In the list of tasks within this file, there are some tasks that cells have to execute (执行), which is called housekeeper genes (管家基因). These genes are critical for the normal performance of the cell. Another set of tasks that cells can choose to execute, is called tissue-specific genes (组织特异性基因). Different cells have different abilities to turn into other types of cells, and such ability is called cell totipotency (细胞全能性). Some cells can turn into whatever cell type they want, we call them totipotent stem cells. Some other cells, although they cannot turn into whatever they want, they still have several options to choose. We call these cells pluripotent stem cells (多能干细胞). For these cells who can only turn into one specific type of cells, we call them monopotent stem cells (单能干细胞). However, nowadays scientists are trying to extract some cells bad at differentiation, and then to modify their genetic material in order to make them have the totipotency or pluripotency. In that case, those cells can differentiate into human organs for organ transplantation (移植) to cure some diseases. Do you see it? There is critical potential (潜能) of the knowledge of cell differentiation. Studying the knowledge of cell biology can contribute (贡献) to human beings in the future.


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