


今天是2019年2月4日,阴历大年三十儿,新年快乐!感谢这一年来各位朋友对我的支持,当初没想过会走这么远,你们的收听,点赞就是我努力向前不停歇的动力!~~~~新的一年,祝愿所有的朋友身体健康!工作顺利!阖家幸福! 事事顺心!


Your progress lives where your greatest fears lie. The things that terrify you walk towards those. And the more you do it, the more you build confidence. The more you actually stand in the fire of your greatest fears, the more you actually find freedom.



You need to start thinking and behaving like a game changer, and that means populating your mindset with the best books, with the best ideas, with the best conversations. Behave in ways that most people don’t behave. Again, you will have a result that very few people have. You’ve got to start doing things that few people do. Turn off the televisions. Delete the naysayers. Stop gossiping and start producing.



You become a creator when you write down those. And you get clear as to absolutely while you make them happen. So don’t stop to go “how do I make it?” That’s not the first step. The first step is to get it down.



As you leave the herd and crowd and perhaps the coat of mediocrity and lies to being a game changer, it’s a very destructive act and actually threatens the mass of people around you and that’s why every visionary was first ridiculed before they were reviled.



And I’m sure you’ve experienced that. You want to say, you say, you know, I want to take my fitness to a whole new level of world class. I want to take my craft to a whole new level of world class.



Or maybe you are raising your game financially and then you share with those you lover or your friends, and they laugh at you. How many times have we given up on the dream, because we were mocked by the people around you?



All I’m suggesting to you is that when you got laughed at, ridiculed and when people don’t understand your next level of world class, that just means you’ve got a great dream and that just means you are on the path of growth. So, be a game changer



Get in the game because we need it till our last hours our last day. It will not be the failures you will regret. It will be all the things you didn’t take.



The most common question that I’ve been asking people from all walks of life trying pursue all different types of things and an idea that has been sitting and hanging and creeping in the corner of their mind, the most common question is “Am I ready?” You know, “am I ready?” How do I know that I’m ready? How do I know that I’m ready? How do I know that now it’s the time for me to make the jump, to take that leap, to make the move? How do I know if I’m ready? Am I ready?



Every single time no matter who ask me that question, no matter where we are, I will give the same, exact answer and that is “No!” No, you are not ready. No, you are not ready. No, you are not ready. No, you’ll never be ready. All right?



You’ll never gonna be ready for the work you’ve got to do. You’ll never gonna be ready for the focus that you have got to commute to. You’ll never be ready for how much you have to walk away from before you get to where you have to go.



You’ll never be ready to lose more than you win. You’ll never be ready for all the people who will doubt you and hate on you and leave you. You’ll never be ready for these sacrifice and struggle and suffering before you succeed.



Stop asking yourself if you are ready, because you are not. Start asking yourself if you are willing. Are you willing?



Are you willing to put on the work? Are you willing to live in the dirt? Are you willing to give up everything that you once thought was important to go after one thing that you truly love? Are you willing to be doubted? Are you willing to be cast aside? Are you willing for people to walk away from you? Are you willing to leave the people that hold your back? Are you willing to live simple and light and focused and free? Are you willing to take on every challenge that comes in your way? Are you willing to box every obstacle that comes face to face? Are you willing to pick yourself up when you are too tired to move? Are you willing to keep going no matter what hits you?



If you are willing to take on whatever comes, to fight through whatever faces you, then go for it!


  • 修宜_3o


    小小张说 回复 @修宜_3o: 那还得你多指点,有好的素材,多多分享,新年快乐!

  • 1322037tucc


    fy1y3sfccqyxs942azbw 回复 @1322037tucc: 您知道背景音乐吗?

  • 野稚_6l

    我想在MP3上听 请问怎么下载到MP3上

    小小张说 回复 @野稚_6l: 这个只能在喜马拉雅平台上听,下载不到其他地方,

  • 昔日de回忆


    小小张说 回复 @昔日de回忆: 我们都是宝宝

  • 婆娑世界_cc


    亚祎 回复 @婆娑世界_cc: 请问这个背景音乐是什么?

  • 时过境迁_m8


    小小张说 回复 @时过境迁_m8: 新年快乐!

  • 大槐安国的狸猫太子


  • 灬丽娟


  • 汤柯烨


  • 6vxngn49kajd3q2eznr7
