@添删同铑 I'm at Gryffindor college. My sister is at Hufflepuff college(She is an inter college student,Gryffindor and Hufflepuff) and My mother is at Ravenclaw college. 注:Would you please have a look at these sentences?
添删同铑 回复 @一个格兰芬多的哈迷: I'm in House Gryffindor. My sister is a Hufflepuff.(She is a Gryffindor/Hufflepuff cross-house student. ) My mother is a Ravenclaw.
I want to go to Gryffindor, but I succeed in being assigned to Ravenclaw and feel that Ravenclaw is a good person too... 姐姐,语法错误待纠正……
添删同铑 回复 @Aurora_Meng: (接上句)However, i think being a Ravenclaw is not bad either as it yeilds great people too.
速效逃课糖 便秘仁 自动纠错墨水
添删同铑 回复 @小苗小喵小紫公主: 感谢收听,感谢支持
添删同铑 回复 @听友185578381: 请自行考古《侠女倩影伴君心,冰雪聪明见空灵 (上、下集)》两期节目
牛津大学的最强大脑 回复 @FBIAkaiShuichi: K其实有些老外也想不到