Avoiding mean friends

Avoiding mean friends

  • Alina频道

    Do this role-play with a consultant or classmate:Student A is the mother/father of Student B.Student A does not approve of Student B’s best friend Lisa and believes she is a bad influence.Conduct a role-play showing a discussion where Student A shares their concerns about why Lisa is a bad friend.Try and include a vocabulary word as well.If you choose bad companions,no one will believe that you are anything but bad yourself.What other characteristics would a mean friend have? Thank you.

  • Alina频道

    How do you feel when you are around your friends?Mean friends are people who are not reliable and dependable.While they may expect you to be there for them,they are often letting you down and not supporting you when you need them.Not showing up for your birthday or being late to fetch you for a party may show that they are inconsiderate,especially if it happens a lot.Also,if your family does not approve of them for valid reasons and fights wiht you often for seeing them,you may need to consider whether they are good for you or not.

  • Alina频道

    Another thing to be careful of is whether or not your friend is a good influence.Do they encourage you to do better or to do things you will regret later?Your friends play a role in shaping your attitude,so being around negative people who do bad things may cause you to do bad things as well.Do you feel energized and excited about seeing your friends or nervous and run down?This may be hard to determine,since other factors may also play a role in your mood.Even so,try to determine a pattern and see how your friend affects your mood.

  • Alina频道

    One of the first steps you have to take to avoid mean friends is to identify the different types of friends that there are.When making a friend,ask yourself how the person makes you feel and how they act around you.Are they respectful of your beliefs and your values or do they mock and tease you?Also,consider what you share in common with that person.A true friend has pure intentions and makes an effort to enjoy or learn about what you do.A mean friend,on the other hand,makes you feel anxious about saying the wrong thing and can sometimes make you someone you are not.

  • Alina频道

    Warm-up What makes a friend mean? fickle-someone you can’t depend on because they change their mind about what they like all the time persecute-to treat someone cruelly or unfairly over a period of timeanxious-feeling nervous or worried about something

  • Alina频道

    Avoiding mean friends Introduction When we make friends,we do it with the intention of having supportive,loving,can caring people around us.Many times,people have friendships that nurture them and care for them,but sometimes friends have fickle or mean intentions.Friends can be friends for reasons to downgrade,persecute,and belittle others.This makes having and making friends difficult,especially when they hurt your feelings.Today we are going to cover how to avoid making mean friends.Enjoy your lesson!