该系列音频(素材取自英语口语8000句).以章节划分,单句循环朗读,配合5+2学习版,巩固复习. 英语口语8000句5+2朗读版
第一章 日常生活中使用的短句
美国家庭万用亲子英文5+2朗读版 美国家庭万用亲子英文3*2单句版
There are no Bob hope. Their office.
There's no one here. By that name.
Who would you like to talk to?
What number are you calling?
I am the feeling you have the wrong number.
I'm the feeling you have the wron. number.
Thank you for returning my call.
Please him up the phone.
But please him up the phone.
There no Bob hope this office. There no Bob hope this office. There are no Bob hope this office.