2015年12月期 第26集(12.30)今日话题:Internet优点-3

2015年12月期 第26集(12.30)今日话题:Internet优点-3


20151230 Morning Voice Fighting!

MV306 ]《InternetNo.3


1、行走短信族(低头族):the petextrian

   边走边发短信的人: texting pedestrian

2、在街头穿梭: weaving down the street

3Trip 做动词: to hit something with your foot by accident so that you fall or almost fall   例:trip on a curb 撞到马路牙子

4、造成危险:present a danger

5Combat (雅思重要词汇) :fighting, especially during a war

战胜寂寞 combat loneliness

6Keep the volume low 把声音调小

7Ambient 周遭的(雅思高分词) you can hear ambient noise around you


Online Services and E-commerce 在线服务与电子商务

Today it is possible to carry out financial transactions online. You can transfer funds, pay taxes and utility bills or book movie tickets over the internet in the comfort of your office or home.


The growth of e-commerce has made it possible for people to shop for most things online. This has seen the emergence of retail giants such as Amazon, Ebay and Alibaba. They sell consumer goods globally. Such a feat was virtually impossible before the internet.


l Utility bills水电费

l In the comfort of  (雅思高分词组) 在舒适里

例:Now you can watch your favorite movies in the comfort of your own home.

l Emergence of : when something begins to be known or noticed

例:the emergence of Japan as a world leader.

