A Holiday Adventure

A Holiday Adventure


Last year, my uncle asked me to go on a trip with him. He told my mum that we were going to Bali. What he did not mention was that we would be taking a side trip to another island—the Island of Komodo!

Bali was great and we visited lots of temples. 

We walked on the beaches and we ate lots of local food such as Nasi Goreng and satay. That was my favourite satay, meat on sticks with peanut sauce. 

One day, when we were on the beach, a man came up to my uncle. He asked if we would like to see the Komodo Dragons. My uncle said that was really the reason why he was here. So off we went. The man who was called Jo had a tiny boat like a canoe with a small motor. 

We got into the boat and I felt a bit worried. After all, no one knew we were going on this trip. Ten minutes into the boat journey, the waves became very rough. They started to get very large. The boat began to rock and dip with the waves. It felt like a ride at a funfair. I held onto the sides of the boat.

Things got worse. It started to rain. Jo got out a pair of diving goggles, and to my surprise, put them on, so he could see! Now I was really worried. My uncle just laughed!

Suddenly, the boat started to fill up with water. Jo passed me a bucket to empty out the water with. My uncle was still laughing. After half an hour, we landed on a beach. I was soaking wet and shaking with fear. It was then that I saw two huge animals over three meters long. 

One looked right at me. The other one started to eat a whole goat. I was petrified. I looked over at my uncle and saw he was calmly taking photos. Thank goodness, we survived and got back to Bali in one piece.

My uncle asked me if I wanted to go on another trip this year. This time, the purpose of the holiday was to look for a yeti. Luckily, I had some exams to study for. Sometimes there can be too much adventure in life, or perhaps I am just a weed!  


1. adventure /ədˈventʃə/n.冒险

2. peanut sauce花生酱

3. rough /rʌf/adj.汹涌澎湃

4. rock /rɒk/v.摇晃

5. dip /dɪp/v.倾斜

6. funfair /ˈfʌnfeə/n.游乐场

7. diving /ˈdaɪvɪŋ/n.潜水

8. goggles /ˈɡɒɡlz/n. 护目镜

9. bucket /ˈbʌkɪt/n.桶

10. soaking wet浑身湿透

11. petrified /ˈpetrɪfaɪd/adj.非常害怕的

12. survive /səˈvaɪv/v.生存

13. weed /wiːd/n.懦弱的人



1. Bali巴厘岛,位于印度尼西亚,世界著名旅游岛,2015年被评为世界最佳岛屿之一。

2. We walked on the beaches and we ate lots of local food such as Nasi Goreng and satay. 我们漫步在沙滩上,然后吃了很多当地的食物,比如炒饭和沙嗲。Nasi Goreng印尼炒饭。satay 沙嗲烤肉或烤鱼鱼,东南亚菜肴,蘸花生酱实用

3. What he did not mention was that we would be taking a side trip to another island — the Island of Komodo!

他没提到的是,我们将顺道前往另一个岛屿——科莫多岛!科莫多岛,位于印度尼西亚,岛上有珍贵动物莫多巨蜥(Komodo Dragon),又称“科莫多龙”,是世界上现存最大的蜥蜴。

4. My uncle said that was really the reason why he was here.


5. So off we went.

我们就这样出发了。此句是倒装句,正常语序应该是So we went off.

6. The man who was called Jo had a tiny boat like a canoe with a small motor.那个叫Jo的男人有一条小船,看上去好像是一条有小型发动机的独木舟。who was called Jo是定语从句,修饰man。

7. It was then that I saw two huge animals over three meters long.

就在那时,我看到了两只身长超过三米的巨型动物。It was … that …是强调句结构,这里强调的是时间状语。

8. Thank goodness, we survived and got back to Bali in one piece. 


9. yeti雪人,似人或似熊的巨大长毛动物,据传生活在喜马拉雅山。

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