


There is a lady sweet and kind, was never face so pleas'd my mind;有一位小姐甜美又温柔,从来没有人像她那样让我着迷;I did but see her passing by, and yet I love her till I die.我只是看见她经过,便会爱她到永远。Her gesture, motion, and her smiles, her wit, her voice, my heart beguiles, beguiles my heart.她的姿态,她的微笑,她的聪慧,她的声音俘获了我的心,俘获了我的心。I know not why, and yet I love her till I die.我不知道为什么,但是我会爱她到永远。Her free behaviour, winning looks, will make a lawyer burn his books;她自由的姿态,胜利的面庞,让律师都羞愧到自焚书籍;I touch'd her not, alas! Not I, and yet I love her till I die.我抚摸她,没有,唉!抚摸她的人不是我,但我会爱她直到永远。Had I her fast betwixt mine arms, judge you that think such sports were harms, Were't any harm? No, no, fie, fie, for I will love her till I die.如果她躺在我的怀里,你觉得会给她带来伤害吗?没有一点儿伤害吗?不,不,呸,呸,因为我会爱她直到永远。Should I remain confined there so long as Phoebus in his sphere, I to request, she to deny, yet would I love her till I die.我是应该继续和她保持距离吗?我请求,她拒绝,但我还是会爱她到永远。Cupid is winged and doth range, her country so my love doth change: but change she earth, or change she sky, yet will I love her till I die.丘比特到处飞来飞去。她会变的,我的爱也会变的。但无论她怎么变,我也会爱她到永远。

  • 焕莹


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